Reviewer Profile-Emily (OPEN)

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Hey, I'm Emily, I love reading descriptive stories with a well-structured plot. I love being in characters' heads especially morally gray characters or villains of the story. I am fond of darker-themed books and enjoy mystery.

Preferred genres: 

Mystery; Paranormal, Horror, Romance, Fantasy. Genres I won't review: FanFiction, Poetry, Werewolf, Historical Fiction. 

 Review style: 

 I will focus on all the main aspects of the writing. I might notice grammar and punctuation errors if it is very obvious, but my main focus will be plot and character development. I always check book descriptions and covers and advise on those aspects. 

 Additional conditions: 

I can read mature content and I don't have any triggers so triggering stories are fine with me. If I like the book I will read the maximum we have here which is 10 chapters (I might even read after the review). I have to mention that I have a habit of voting at the end of each chapter, so don't be surprised by that, and in a way, you can know at what point of your book I am. 


✎Permanent follow. 

✎Reading 3 chapters of any of my books and leaving a thoughtful comment at the end of the chapter. 

✎If you already following me (and I will know if you do) then read 5 chapters of any of my stories and leave 3-5 inline comments (comments such as "oh, duh, uhh, emoji, etc." won't count.) and a shout out to that book on your message board.



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