They Who Slaughtered Hope (Emily)

57 5 0

Author: CrystalCallistral

Genre: Action/Dystopian

Reviewer: OutOfMyImagination

Hello and thank you for requesting a review. As you suggested in your submission, I waited for a new cover and title just to compare the two. To be clear, I read up to chapter seven/including chapter seven, so review is up to that point in your story.

They Who Slauthered Hope is set in a dystopian near future in London. The city is in a warlike state as two gangs try to gain control over the area. Here we meet Lennox, an unwilling member of the Brotherhood of the Verita Aser, who only wishes to avoid the war and leave the rotten city behind. And then there is Ren the Crimson Syndicate member, who is just a step away from gaining a more formidable role within the organization. An unexpected meeting between the pair shifts both of their dreams, forcing them to cope in an entirely new way.

I think the new title is more neutral and less focused on Lennox and Ren, the old one fell more into the romance subcategory. While the old cover was very eye-catching it leaned more toward romance as well, and the new one looks well-made and leaves more space for readers interpretation.

The writing style is descriptive, feeding the reader's mind with great imagery. Each chapter is polished and has a good length to them as well, if the were any errors I didn't spot them. The characters seem to be fleshed out enough, though their past is not too clear, there are bits and pieces here and there but it's harder to see a full image at this point in the story.

Both main characters possess what we call morally grey characteristics. You asked to asses them and I think both of them are unique and different enough. But it's hard to judge at this point in the story. Their age and background are undefined. We know Lennox is struggling with money and is the main provider for his family but it's very unclear why, even with some explanations, and his family dynamic is not too precise as well. When it comes to Ren his motivation for joining the Crimson Syndicates is unclear and his past with Trix remains a mystery.

The story description has a good hook, though for me it contains spoilers, about Ren's failure, robbing readers of surprise. The build-up to his long-awaited task and his anticipation had no impact on me because I knew the outcome. I wouldn't categorize the story as a Mystery, it is more of an action-based dystopian book.

You asked me to focus on the timing of the story, and I can say, that part is not clear. It's hard to tell when the story is set, apart from one mention that it all started seventeen years ago, but the date of the story is not clear. On top of that, it's not obvious in what state is the rest of the world since the story is mainly focused on London, and it's not too clear what caused the war between the two sides or how those sides formed.

I would rate this story four out of five stars, I wanted to know more about the rest of the world and why London is in this war-like state, more information on both organizations would be useful as well. I saw your disclaimer/note I understand you have a different view of the book but it does feel like a dystopian mafia book.

I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy diverse and morally grey characters with a hit of romance and action. 

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