Chapter 2

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Y/n sat in the dark of their last class of the day. Watching Olivia Octavias speak on screen. She was someone Y/n once met, maybe like...years ago? She worked with their brother, so it made sense.

Honestly it was really boring. It would be interesting if Y/n didn't have a brother who ONLY talked about alternate realities all day long. But that's not the case.

Y/n perked their head up from their desk as they heard the door open and widen their eyes at the sight of Miles sneaking in.

Miles saw Y/n's e/c eyes spotting him, and he made a shushing motion with his mouth. Y/n nodded and winked, shushing back. Unfortunately the teacher saw him anyways as she paused the video.

"Mr. Morales. Moving in the dark. You're late again." Mrs. Danielle said, not impressed.

"Einstein said time was relative right? Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early." Miles responded with.

Y/n and some other girl were the only ones who gave a little laugh. Granted it wasn't that funny. But it was just so stupid.

"Sorry. It's just, so quiet." The girl said

"Would you like to keep standing there, or do you wanna sit down?" Mrs. Danielle said monotonously, sounding so done with her career choices.

Miles just shuffled awkwardly to his desk, sitting his books down as he tried his best to not feel the wave of embarrassment he felt.

"I liked your joke." The girl in front of Y/n whispered making Miles perk up.

"Really?" He said in surprise

"I mean, it wasn't funny." Y/n joined in, but smiled with a hint of playfulness, "At least that's why I laughed."

"But it was I liked it." The girl said, agreeing with Y/n about it not being funny.

"I don't think I've seen you before-"

"Shh." Mrs. Danielle interrupted before Miles could speak any more.

Soon enough, the last hour of the day passed and
Y/n was more than happy to leave the school. Everyone was packing their stuff and leaving, and
Y/n was doing the same until they heard Miles.

"Hey Y/n right?" Miles came up behind Y/n as they turned around.

"Yeah? That's me. What's up?" Y/n asked, tilting their head a bit as their h/c hair got into their face.

"I was just wondering...Are you...I don't know...Free some time? Like we can chill and hang out...?" Miles asked leaning on a nearby desk, falling a bit, only to try and play it cool. "I did not mean to do that..."

"Pfft- Yeah I'm down to hang whenever. Here." Y/n giggles at his clumsy nature as they took his phone, putting their number in.

"Call me whenever you want to hang and I'll see if I'm available." Y/n winked before waving goodbye. They could hear the distant silent cheering of Miles in the back.

Y/n then left the school premises, heading home. Since Their brother's boss don't pay him at all, and Y/n's job don't pay enough, Y/n has to travel from their apartment to school. Since, They couldn't afford a dorm room.

It's not terrible though. Truthfully they don't mind that much. It's just annoying.

"John I'm back from hell!!" Y/n called out, throwing their backpack on the couch. As expected John wasn't home. Like usual.

"Of course he isn't home." Y/n mumbled angrily before sighing as they went into their room. Y/n bent down under their bed pulling out a box, which contained the so called suit they've been working on.

A Leap of Faith (Miles Morales x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now