Chapter 17

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Y/n ears rung loudly, it felt like the world around them was moving. Becoming disoriented all around them. They lifted their pounding head to see Miles, next to them and slowly they reached out to shake his shoulder.

Y/n couldn't hear anything.

They couldn't even think.

Only feel.

Feeling their heart race, feeling the aches, feeling their soul crack in two...

"You're no sibling of mine..."


Why did it hurt so bad coming from him...?


Because you care Y/n.

That's your problem.

You care and those you care about eventually leave you.

And you're alone.

All alone.

Over and Over a record constant loop...

Why did it have to be you?

Can't someone stop this aching?!

Stop it...


Suddenly, Gwen pulled up the two downed teens from their disorientation, dragging them to safety as Hobbie and Pav ran out of the collapsing Alchemax building.

Y/n shook their head, trying to regather their mind. Trying to block out their self-loathing for just one moment. That isn't the issue or what's important right now. Getting out is.

"Shit..." Y/n slipped their mask back on as they watched the crumbling Alchemax building. If this place goes down, everyone below it will die.

The five young spider-people watch from the railing, despair as the piece of the building fell down slowly. Pav was really freaking out. Miles gave Y/n a look, and Y/n nodded.

"Miles, Pav, and I will clear the path. Gwen, you slow down that building with Hobie!!" Y/n briskly explained before jumping down below to rescue pedestrians below.

"I'll do it!! But not because you told me too!!" Hobie muttered out with his British accent, helping Gwen with slowing the building down.

Y/n zoomed in with their eye enhancers, spotting two young kids cradling into each other. Y/n also saw a piece of debris falling towards them. Without hesitation Y/n swung around, and grabbed them, before swinging away to put them somewhere safe.

"You kids ok?" Y/n asked, and the two of them nodded, mumbling thank you's. Y/n placed them both down, where the kids parents came hugging them in relief.

Y/n quickly went back, swinging around finding more civilians to bring them to a less hazardous area. Before hearing a snap, turning to see the Building fall again. But they're we're still people inside another building.

With a sharp turn, Y/n swung in, along with Miles. Webbing people close to their bodies, to hold them in a protective hold. Before shoving them all out the window, where Pav caught them all in his Yo-yo.

Pav took Miles's hand, and Miles took Y/n's. Y/n grunted as they helped pulled the four civilians somewhere stable, before the three turned back to the falling debris, swinging up to meet with Gwen and Hobie to aid them with the people on the bridge.

All of them split up, taking a bunch of people, webbing them into their arms. Trying to find anywhere away from the danger.

"Gayatri!!" Pav called out as he saw his girlfriend on the red tour bus, falling down in a hole. Quickly he swung over, trying to pull it up, but he was having a hard time.

A Leap of Faith (Miles Morales x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now