Chapter 8

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"He broke this?" Gwen asked, holding the Goober in her hands. The The group of four were sitting on the last bus of the day, heading back to Brooklyn after successfully getting away from the raging scientist. And their guns...

"Yeah...he's actually really embarrassed about it, so just keep it between us okay?" Miles lied, knowing damn well it was him that broke it. So when Gwen asked, Y/n saved him the embarrassment by throwing Peter under the bus, saying it was him who broke it. Thankfully Peter could care less.

"Well...I know where we can make a new one. And we won't let him break it this time." Gwen played along, Making Miles chuckle with relief. Y/n was mostly silent as they sat beside Miles. They were still trying to wrap their head around the fact that John worked for the guy who not only is trying to kill Miles and them...but he was the murderer of

How could John work with someone like that...? 

Maybe it's not willingly?

John would never do this would he? He couldn't.

He wouldn't!

Maybe he was forced or threatened-

"I'm sorry about your friend..." Miles's voice broke Y/n from their thoughts, as Y/n looked over to see Gwen's sadden face. Immediately Y/n could empathize with the blonde headed girl. Losing someone is...not easy...especially when you're close to them...

Or when you're the cause of their death...

"I know it doesn't mean anything coming from me Gwen...but truly I'm...sorry as well...I know what it's like to lose someone important to you...and I know that's it''s agony to carry that burden." Y/n spoke out finally after being quiet for so long, "But if you ever want Miles and I, are right here to listen." Y/n softly smiled, as Miles looked at them with furrowed eyebrows, but nodded his head in agreement to their statement.

"Thanks guys..." Gwen nodded numbly and offered a bittersweet smile to both Miles and Y/n, before frowning again, "I know how hard this is...To have to figure out this stuff out on your own...It's kind of nice not being the only Spider-person around."

"Yeah..." Miles smiled, grateful he wasn't alone.

"And if you ever decide to do friends again...We could always open up a slot. Just for you." Y/n offered, leaning on Miles a bit, making Gwen avoid eye contact.

"I'll keep you...posted." She said, smiling at the two. A hurt expression slightly on her face as well.

Gwen then turned her back to look out the window, leaving Miles and Y/n to themselves. Y/n also trained their eyes out the window, but Miles began fidgeting in his seat. He wanted to ask...but. Would it be rude? Insensitive?

"Miles, whatever you have to ask, go ahead." Y/n said simply, their e/c eyes now back on him.

"Um...What did you mean you know...? know how it feels to..." Miles trailed off, not wanting to sound like an asshole.

"How I know what loss feels like?" Y/n rose their eyebrow and Miles gulped, nodding his head nervously.

Even though it was just Miles and Y/n talking, Peter and Gwen couldn't help but listen into their conversation. Mainly from curiosity, as well as just being nosy.

"You don't have to tell me I was just...curious? A-and concerned..." Miles stuttered a bit, hating his brain's overthinking.

"No, it's fine...I probably should talk about anyways for the sake of my own health..." Y/n chuckled dryly before sighing, "When I was about 7 years parents were driving me through Brooklyn. I used to live in more farmy areas so of course I was exited to see something new...but I was more excited to see my older brother..."

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