Chapter 13

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"So, Y/n...You gonna be graduating early I heard?" A random student spoke, talking to the h/c teen.

"Huh? Oh yeah...I am...Why?" Y/n said, a bit distracted as they were studying through their notes for a upcoming geometry quiz.

"Nothing!! It's just- Shocking how someone who used to be so angry all the time last year, could even graduate to being a- Uh what was it you wanted to be again?" The student asked as little group formed around Y/n.

"A Technical Engineer. Build stuff you know? To help the economy." Y/n simply responds as they closed their book of notes, preparing to leave.

"Right! Right...Wasn't that your nerdy brother's thing? To bad he died a nobody with that smart brain." The other students laughed a bit, and Y/n just rolled their eyes.

"As a matter of fact, Melissa, he was a scientist." Y/n bumped the girl's shoulder harshly, "Something you can't even hope to be with your pea sized brain. And for your information, he was a somebody. He was my brother. That means more than you could ever understand."

Without anything else leaving Y/n's mouth, they left through the doors to study somewhere more private. And not infested with some babbling assholes.

So. We meet again?

I'm sure you know this by now, but eh, why don't we just do this again? For old time's sake?

My name is Y/n Ohnn.

I'm a 15 year old who goes to Visions Academy Well...soon I'll be graduating early.

On the outside I look pretty normal, but behind the facade, I'm so much more.

At age 11 I started my own study of the original Spider-Man, and made my own suit at age 13.

By age 14, I was my own Spider-Person. Swinging and webbing around.

But I wasn't alone.

Not by a long shot.

For one my Boyfriend, Miles Morales, was the New Spider-Man.

He was the one who got bitten by the radioactive spider. And for the past year and four months, the two of us have been together, fighting crime.

There was others like Miles...But they're in their own Dimensions. Where they need to be.

I can tell Miles misses them, and I won't lie. I do too. But, there's nothing we can do about except move on.

Anyways- I gained Miles's parents approval of me dating their son. Rio was easy to convince, Jeff was a little more tough on me. But hey, in the end, it all worked out.

Especially since I live with them. Until I can live on my own that is...

Can I be honest with you for a second?

The past year has...definitely taken a toll on me.

Losing John was like losing a part of my soul.

Like it ripped away something that I know I'll never be able to get back...

But hey...Life as a Spider-Person...

You can't save everyone...

Or at least.

That's what people believe.

Y/n walked the school's halls and into the nearby library where it was nice and quiet. Just how they liked it. With a sigh, Y/n placed down their book of math, and opened it up again. Only to receive text from Miles's Mother. Rio.

A Leap of Faith (Miles Morales x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now