Chapter 11

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"I'm so sorry Y/n..."
"I should have never left you alone..."
"I'm a terrible brother..."
"A terrible...everything. I'm sorry..."
Y/n groaned as they felt their heavy eyelids open up, the lights of the hospital blinding them, which immediately made them regret waking up.

"GAH- MY EYES-" Y/n screeched, sitting up rubbing their eyes painfully. Their vision cleared up a bit, and they scrunched their brows as they saw that they were in a hospital. From their side view they could see their suit nearly folded, hidden beside them.

"What...what happened...?" Y/n mumbled, looking down at their hospital gown. Then noticing their shoulder being wrapped up. They tried moving it, but winced, and stopped moving.

"Wait...WAIT!" Y/n then remembered what happened and stumbled off the hospital bed, limping towards the window with their IV pole. It was dark outside. Y/n needs to get to that collider before time runs out.

"I can make it if I-"

"Y/n?!" John interrupted as he entered the room with widen eyes.

"John...? What are you-" Before Y/n could ask, John pulled them gently back into their hospital bed.

"You should not be walking around while you heal!" John scolded lightly, but Y/n could only stare in confusion.

"How did I get here...? How did YOU know I was here??" Y/n asked, trying to sit up again, but John pushed them back down.

"Stop moving, you'll reopen your stitches! And to answer your questions...You got a bullet wound and was brought here, but I don't know who brought you, and two, I was contacted by the hospital. Seeing as I am your legal guardian..." John explained and Y/n nodded. That made sense.

It must have been Peter who brought them here...he's the only voice Y/n remembered before passing out...

Y/n felt John's blue eyes on them as they thought to themself, making Y/n confused on why he was staring at them silently.

"What?" They asked, before hissing from the stinging feeling in their arm as John pulled them into a hug.

"You have no idea how terrified I was when I got call about you...I sprinted here as fast as I could from work so I could check up on you....I could've lost you Y/n..." John's voice cracked and Y/n frowned, slowly embracing his hug.

"You left your work for me?" Y/n mumbled, a little nervous since they know of their brother's true job. Working with Kingpin. But John doesn't need to know that they know...

"Of course! I wasn't gonna not visit you while you were in surgery!!" John scoffed in disbelief, before sighing gently , "Look...Y/n...I'm really sorry. EXTREMELY sorry...I've been thinking a lot about what you said to me during our fight...and honestly you're right. I need a change in my life...nothing is more important than taking care of you..."

"What are you saying?" Y/n asked skeptical, and John just chuckled.

"I'm saying that I'm gonna quit my job. And finally build that relationship we had so many years ago." John smiled and Y/n widen their e/c eyes.

A Leap of Faith (Miles Morales x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now