Chapter 7

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Well...this is not what Y/n thought would happen when Peter said they didn't have a second to lose. Here they three were, sitting in a local burger shop, eating 'breakfast.'

"Ugh I love this burger. So delicious. Mm, best burger I've ever had." Peter said, talking with food in his mouth making Y/n lose their appetite for their burger. So instead they ate their fries.

"In my universe, this place closed six years ago. I don't know why, I really don't." Peter continued as he licked his fingers off, before watching as the chef came up with the bill angrily, before stomping off.

"You two have money right? I'm not very liquid right now." Peter asked, going back to eating.

"Lucky for us, I do have money from my job...which I'm glad has closed for the week...due to certain circumstances. Same with school." Y/n mumbled, grabbing out their wallet.

"You have a job?" Peter questioned, "But you're like-so young?"

"My brother doesn't get paid, and we- I have to pay bills and taxes somehow." Y/n shrugged setting the money on the bill.

"You have a brother....?" Peter mumbled more to himself than to Y/n.

"Can we focus?" Miles intervened, seeing as this had nothing to do with Kingpin's collider.

"Mm-Hm Sure." Peter nodded as he munched on a fry.

"The other Peter-"

"You gonna eat that?" Peter interrupted again as he snatched Miles's burger from his tray and began to gobble it down, drool coming from his lips. Y/n gagged, and looked away. They can't stand people with no manners.

"I'm listening."

"The other Peter said he was gonna be showing me the ropes. As well as Y/n." Miles began again, "You got any Spider-Man tips you can tell us now?"

"Yeah I got plenty- Disinfect the mask. You're gonna wanna use baby powder in the suit, heavy on the joints. You don't want any chaffing, right?" Peter shrugged and Miles gave him a dead face look.

"Anything else?" Miles asked hopelessly for anything more fighting related.

"Nope that was everything." Peter responded

"I think you're gonna be a bad teacher..." Y/n sighed, pinching their eyebrows.

"Why do you even want to learn so bad huh? You're not even a spider-person. You weren't bit." Peter asked with a raised eyebrow, "And where did you get that suit from?"

"I...I don't know why. I guess I just wanted something to get away from home I guess." Y/n mumbled unsurely, before shaking their head, " And I made this suit."

Peter chocked on his stolen burger for a moment, coughing and hacking as he stared at Y/n in shock.

"YOU built THAT?" He said, pointing at the suit which was covered up by Y/n's clothes.

"Yeah. It took me 3 years of studying Our Spider-Man, and how his abilities worked...I just copied it and used it in my own way." Y/n explained

"Wait so- You were 11 when you started studying him?" Miles asked in surprise.

"What can I say? Life was boring, and I wanted a change...Besides I wasn't like most kids...I was more I guess, aware? Smart? Something along those lines." Y/n hummed

"That's both creepy, but impressive for a kid..." Peter said, almost as if he was proud. But it was immediately replaced by him turning back to Miles.

"Look up where Alchemax is." Peter commanded, and Y/n furrowed their eyebrows at the name of the familiar company.

A Leap of Faith (Miles Morales x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now