Chapter 9

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The group of four were standing in front of a house. It was small and homey from the looks of it. But what really caught everyone's eyes was the gifts of Spider-man plushies, candles, and flowers that littered the the front yard.

Peter shot a web out and rung the doorbell. Waiting for Aunt May to come out. Before he began to chicken out not even 5 seconds after.

"We should-We should probably go..." Peter began to back away slowly.

"Peter, we're literally on the doorstep." Gwen said, knowing he can't escape this.

"Bad idea. This is a bad idea!" Peter tried to make a run for it, by Y/n just simply shot out a web, yanking him back.

"Don't be a baby Peter. Just relax." They said as they watched as a shadow came up to the window, before opening the door slowly.

"You guys are all very sweet...but no more fans today please..." a old voice said in melancholy tone, creaking the door open. Only for her to gasp, and swing it up open. Staring at Peter.

"I'm not ready for this..." Peter gritted his teeth awkwardly as Aunt May slowly dropped the bat she held, walking up to Peter.

"Peter...?" She spoke softly, gently placing a hand on Peter's chest with furrowed eyebrows, and glossy eyes.

"Hey Aunt May..." Peter said in sadden tone as Aunt May touched his face in disbelief, "So this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure I'm from an-"

"Alternate dimension..." Aunt May finished for him, making everyone stare at her in surprise. So she knows what's going on then?

"Yeah..." Peter mumbled exhaustively

"You look tired Peter..." Aunt May frowned seeing Peter like this. Alternate or not...

"Well I am tired..." Peter chuckles

"And older. And- Thicker!" Aunt May said, looking down at his gut, making Y/n hold back a grin. Peter was in denial, but he's been humbled so many times today. And not just by Y/n.

"Yeah. I've heard that already." Peter scoffed, giving Y/n a side glare.

"Oh Jeez- Are those sweatpants?!" Aunt May made a repulsed face at the sight of Peter wearing sweatpants. It was not a good look with the Spider-Suit...

"Yup. That's what they are..." Gwen confirmed, staring at Peter's sweatpants with a little amused smile.

"We were there...When it all happened..." Miles told Aunt May, looking at Y/n, then back to her.

"I am so sorry...both of us are..." Y/n added in with empathetic look, as Aunt May just smiled kindly at the two teens.

"And what dimension are you two from?" She asked

"Brooklyn." Miles responded before taking out the override key, handing it to Y/n.

"Did Peter have a place where we could make another one of these?" Y/n asked, showing Aunt May the broken key, handing it to her.

"A goober..." Aunt May then got a sudden serious look on her face, "Follow me."

Leading through her house, she kicked opened the back door, to the backyard. There lied a simple looking shed, and May marched to it.

"Oh yeah. I got one of these too. A little old shed where I keep my Spider-gear." Peter shrugged as if the shed was nothing special. That was before Aunt May pulled out a key and the shed glowed, and opened. Revealing an elevator. She turned, a gave a smirk, nodding the group to hop in.

"You were saying Peter?" Y/n smirked as they strode into the elevator. Peter just rolled his eyes and walked in.

"I mean this place is pretentious..." Peter mumbled in a jealous tone as the doors closed, and the elevator went down. Y/n widen their eyes in awe at the sight of the many vehicles and tech around them. They couldn't help but smile and buzz with excitement.

A Leap of Faith (Miles Morales x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now