Chapter 19

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My name is Miguel O'Hara....
I'm this dimensions one and only Spider-Man.
Or At least I was...but I'm not like the others...
I don't always like what I have to do...but I know I have to be the one to do it.
I've given up to much to stop now...

Y/n held Miles's hand in vice like grip, their hood now placed down after being in a more secluded area. They could hear their heart beat in their chest, their hands feeling clammy and sweaty. They don't know why. They just have a bad feeling about what was about to happen.

Y/n broke their train of thought as they watched Hobie rip off some piece of tech, their initial focus now on him.

"What are you doing...?" Y/n rose an eyebrow at his devious smirk.

"Bet this doesn't even do anything..." Hobie ignored, stealing even more stuff.

"Maybe it did before you ripped it out of a wall!" Miles whispered harshly, and Y/n just shook their head.

"Propaganda Bro. It'll distract you from the truth." Hobie shrugged nonchalantly.

"And what's that?" Y/n asked curiously, making Miles give them a certain look, "Hey I'm just wondering, don't look at me." Y/n said defensively.

"I ain't got a Scooby Doo mate. Cuz that's what they want." Hobie answered, making both Miles and them roll their eyes.

"Why do you two want to be a part of this stuff?" Hobie suddenly asked, turning and looking at the two with stern gaze.

"To be honest, I don't know if I want to anymore..."
Y/n muttered, mainly to themself.

"Well I don't know about Y/n, but I want a watch." Miles simply stated

"Make your own watch." Both Y/n and Hobie said at the same time, making them stare at each other for a second. Then Hobie returned his attention back to Miles, "Bet you- or Y/n here- got a nice setup? Nice parents?" He asked, leaning on some more tech.

"Actually My parents are dead." Y/n said blankly, and they kind of almost wanted to snort at the sight of Hobie sitting there buffering.

"Sorry." He finally said, making Y/n give a soft chuckle.

"Its fine. You couldn't have possibly known. Like-At all." Y/n waved off, which made Hobie kind of sigh in relief. Miles coughed and stepped in between the two, wrapping his arm around Y/n, and bumping Hobie's legs out of the way.

Y/n smirked to themself, knowing damn well that Miles was jealous. He really has no reason to be, Y/n would never dare to leave or hurt him. They love him too much for that, their loyalty belongs to him.

"Listen to me bruv. The whole point of being Spider-Man is your independence. Being your own boss, you don't NEED all this!" Hobie tried to convince the stubborn Miles. But, Miles did not listen.

"Then why are you here?" Miles snapped back at him, sass dripping from his tone.

"Looking out for my drummer is all." Hobie responded as he took another piece of tech. Y/n kept tabs with every piece he took, humming...those are pieces to create something. Something specific...Wait I think it can make-

"I WANT to be in a band! I-I wanna see my friends and...I need a watch to do that..." Miles murmured, and Y/n squeezed his hand comfortingly.

"Guys, come on." Gwen sighed, trying to get them to hurry it up.

"Alright, squashed. Just don't enlist until you know about who you're fighting..." Hobie warned, leaning over Miles's and Y/n's ears.

"Got it..." Y/n nodded

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