Chapter 20

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Running was all that was thought about.

Running and Surviving.

Running and getting away.


The sounds of the rushed voices could be heard from behind, not mention alarms blaring all around. The High chase had began. Why? All for the canon event to go on. Letting innocent people die for the sake of the algorithm.

There had to be a way to prevent it.

There had to be a way to stop the canon, without any damage.

There had to be a way.

"Miles!!" Y/n called out to the running Miles, trying to keep up but, Miles was ultimately faster than they were. Courtesy of being an actual Spider-person.

"We need to get to out of here." Miles huffed, somehow they both managed to disappear from the other spiders by turning invisible, "We can use the Go Home Machine-"

"No. We need to draw them out first. Away from the HQ, enough where their guards will be lowered..."
Y/n interrupted, making Miles nod in agreement.

"Then what do we do?"

"We separate. Just for now. We'll lead more Spider-people away by doing that, then we'll meet up somewhere and get back to HQ ASAP." Y/n planned, but the thought of separation made Miles terrified.

"But what if they catch you? I won't be there to save you and I'll never forgive myself if I can't do that..." Miles spoke, almost as if something else was on his mind. His words bringing so much more depth knowing that Y/n was supposed to die.

"Miles...I'm tough. You more than anyone should know that....I WILL come back to you. That's a promise." Y/n smiled, placing a kiss on his lips, before swinging away.

Miles reached out, but just shook his head. Swinging off in the opposite direction of Y/n went. He's hoping all goes well...but something in the pit of his stomach went unsettled. Did he want Y/n to come back with him...? Will it up the probability of their death...? He's too afraid for that answer...

Meanwhile with Y/n, they've managed to sneak their way through Sector 8, looking around for a window or even a vent they could hop through. But this place huge, so it would take a while.

"Hey!! There they are!!" A random Spider-Person shouted, pointing over to Y/n as they froze.

"Ah shit-" Immediately Y/n began to run away, thousands and possibly millions of Spider-People were following them. Y/n dodged their flying webs, while also trying to get away.

Miles was having the same issue.

How did Y/n know? Because he was right below them, being tackled or grabbed. But he managed to slip away. Even with a whole ass T-Rex on him.


"LET ME GO!!" Y/n struggled as a body suddenly grabbed them, not wanting to let go. It wasn't until an idea popped into their brain, smirking.

"How's your take on head trauma?" Y/n asked using their might to pull them self forwards, making the Spider confused. Before his head was bashed into by one of the pillars, while Y/n dodged it. And he fell down.

"Tried to warn ya." Y/n cackled before continuing to swing away from all the other approaching Spider-People. This motivated them to swing even faster.

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