Chapter 21

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Miles and Y/n were swift to arrive back at HQ. Both of them were exhausted, mentally and Physically. They both just wanted to go home and get this over with.

But before they could. They needed away to get passed Margo, and figure out how to turn the machine on. So that had to sit and weight for a moment somewhere far away enough so that they could plan.

"Ok...I think I know to turn on that machine. You see those Panels over there? We have to turn them on, then hit those buttons, give the eye scanner our DNA from one of our eyes, and then we need to make it back over into the middle of the machine. Sound good?" Y/n spoke out, pointing to the tech. But Miles was silent.

"Miles...!" Y/n whispered, snapping their fingers in his face, making him blink.

"Yeah. Yeah I heard you." Miles mumbled, and Y/n frowned, before sighing.

"Miles, can you tell me what you're thinking?"


"Miles please..." Y/n begged, and Miles turned to look at them in the eyes.

"Y/n. Please tell me that you didn't know Spot was your brother this whole's been killing me this whole time and- Just the one to tell me the truth..." Miles voice cracked. The lies he's been fed and told, finally breaking down his laid back personality.

Y/n widen their eyes at Miles's words, looking at their hands for a moment. They weren't gonna lie to him. He deserves the truth more than anything right now.

"I...I did. After encountering him the first time." Y/n admitted

"Why didn't you tell me?" He was hurt. Y/n could tell by his voice and eyes.

"I didn't want to believe it. I was in denial about it all. So I wasn't sure with myself, and kept trying to believe that it wasn't true. But now..." Y/n sighed, "Now I can't hide away from it."

Miles went silent for a moment, before standing up.

"You're staying here."

"What- Miles! I'm not staying here with MIGUEL. He'll tear me to pieces!" Y/n hissed under their breath.

"You're not staying with Miguel. You're hiding here, away from them. At least until I can bring down Spot..." Miles tried to walk away, but Y/n grabbed his shoulder.

"What happened to us being in this together?!" Y/n asked angrily but also concerned for Miles.

"Y/n!! I've already lost my uncle!! I'm about to lose my dad- And I don't need to lose you too!! Im sorry, but it's for own protection that you stay here away from me." Miles snapped back, his eyes glazed with building tears, "If what Miguel says is true, that Every Y/n close to Spider-Man dies with no prevention. Than I can't let you get hurt. Not because of me..."

"Let's just talk about this please-" But Miles shoved them back a bit, trying to disappear. But Y/n was stubborn, and refused to back down.

"You CANT just leave me- Please! I don't want to be alone again!" Y/n cried out, trying to be quiet. But still trying to get their point across.

"And I can't let you die. You have no idea how this is for me." Miles gritted his teeth. Something about those words made Y/n snap, and they glared, marching up to him. Poking him in the chest.

"Everyone I have ever cared for has either died-Or left me....Everyone except- FUCKING for you." Y/n pushed him back a bit, emphasizing their words, "So don't tell me I'll be safer here, because the truth is, I'll just be more scared."

Miles looked at Y/n's face, a conflicted look crossing his features. He felt Y/n's arms slither around his waist, hugging him with shaky breaths.

"So PLEASE...don't do this alone...Let me help." Y/n continued on, hugging him desperately. Miles took a moment to hug them back, basking in their warmth one more time. He then let go, looking down, Before webbing them down, shocking them.

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