Chapter 18

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It was a bit awkward being in that elevator ride to HQ. No one necessarily said anything as everyone landed in there. Y/n could definitely see Jess giving them and Miles some side glares. Y/n was half-tempted to return them, but it was best not to provoke the hormonal pregnant woman. Plus, she's more experienced and Y/n didn't want their ass beat.

Hobie stood next to Y/n, and took off his mask. Miles immediately looked his way and furrowed his eyebrows.

"How are you even cooler under your mask??"

"I was this cool the whole time." Hobie shrugged, he seemed very chilled out compared to how he was seconds ago.

Y/n widen their eyes, finally taking off their mask, hitting Miles's shoulder lightly to get his attention. Miles looked their way, before also widening his eyes at the sight of the giant city below. Which was upside down to them, since they were hanging upside down.

"Wow..." Y/n muttered in awe

"Hey, over here." Gwen called out with a whisper. Gaining the two ogling teens attention, they looked back and the elevator doors opened. It revealed a giant area, full of all types of Spider-People.

"Yo, this place is wild!!" Miles said in astonishment, looking around the area with bright eyes.

"I will admit, this is pretty neat." Y/n smiled, placing their hood down to get a better look. Which they immediately regretted because some looks were thrown their way.

"Any sign of Spot?" Jess asked, passing by Malala Windsor. Y/n kind of perked up at the mention of their brother, before shaking their head. They didn't want to think of him right now.

"Let me ask!! Hey!! Anybody spot Spot??" She asked jokingly, giggling to herself proudly.

"Oh SO funny. Anybody else got jokes?" Jess frustratedly scoffed, waving the Spider-Woman off. Not in the mood for jokes. Yet, a whole bunch of other spider-people began to tell their own jokes.

"Dear god...It's like listening to out of tune singing..." Y/n winced, trying their best to stick by Miles. The staring was starting to really to get to them, so initially they put their hood back over their head.

"This is unbelievable!!" Miles was in disbelief, making Gwen smirk.

"This. Is the lobby...Welcome to the Spider Society..." As she said that, a even bigger room was revealed filled with- You guessed it!! MORE Spider-People. Damn...this place was packed.

"Bit much innit?" Hobie muttered, not really as impressed or caring as The others. Y/n then looked at Gwen, raising an eyebrow.

"Thought you said this place was a small elite strike team Gwen?" Y/n asked, now even more upset at Gwen than before.

"A Lot of these are P-part time..." Gwen tried to assure, but Y/n wasn't really buying it. But they couldn't really ask anything else because Miles got distracted, and they didn't want him getting lost by himself.

"Gwendy how much have told them...?" Hobie whispered over to Gwen, "About their place in all this?"

"A little-"

"Miles!!" Y/n called out, seeing their boyfriend glitch horribly. They went to help him up, only to end up glitching as well beside him.

"Ughhhh....God kill me now..." Y/n muttered as the glitches stopped, and then felt something be thrown at their face. Looking down to see a blue bracelet.

"My own watch!!" Miles said excitedly, looking at the blue bracelet. But Y/n knew that was not a watch, they took notes on it after all. It's more advanced than...this bracelet...

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