Chapter 10

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Y/n sat down in the basement of the shed for a While. Not for an hour, but so far, for at least 20 minutes. Mainly because they were to ashamed of themself to go back up. Especially after their freak out.

And because they were um...taking some web fluid and putting it in their web shooter...

Hey you can't blame them!! They're just gonna sit there for all eternity. Plus, they're only taking enough for when they destroy the collider.

Yes. They still wanna destroy the collider with Miles.

Y/n knows the risk, and they're willing to sacrifice their life for everyone else to go home. They're not gonna let someone die because of them. Not again.

"Oh, your still down here dear?"

"AH!! O-Oh Mrs. Parker this isn't- I wasn't-" Y/n panicked as Aunt May was back down in the base, watching as Y/n struggled to hide the shooters they were taking the web fluid from.

"Hey, I'm just an old lady. I didn't see anything. And please, May is fine." She winked with a laugh, reliving Y/n.

"Sorry...sometimes I just get curious about things..." Y/n apologized awkwardly, fidgeting with their hands for a moment, avoiding eye contact.

"Can't blame you. It's not everyday you get to see Spider-Man's lair...or base." Aunt May hummed, before furrowing her brows, "Why haven't you come back up yet?"

"I-...I don't know...I guess I'm just ashamed. I snapped. I didn't mean to say hurtful stuff I was just so- angry!!" Y/n clutched onto their arms, glaring at the floor. Aunt May hummed calmly, looking at the h/c hair teen.

"Anger is a powerful emotion...As Peter, my Peter, used to say...It can either be controlled...or control you..." Aunt May said as she placed a gentle hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"I don't know why I got angry..." Y/n sighed

"Because it's a natural reaction. Your frustrated...scared...But having so many people doubt you brings you down..." Aunt May smiled softly, "You just need a little help with patience...Why don't you come upstairs and I'll make you some tea? Trust me, it'll help clear your mind."

"...But what about the-"

"It doesn't matter what they think. Besides, you might as well make up now, don't need any bad blood now do ya?" Aunt May chuckled, and Y/n slowly nodded.

"I-I guess you're're good at this consoling thing!" Y/n laughed a little.

"Well this ain't my first rodeo. I raised Peter after all. I can never forget his goth phase in middle school...Yeesh...." Aunt May shivered, making Y/n laugh even harder.

"Oh wow that's just great!!"

Y/n and Aunt May then walked into the elevator, going back up to May's house, and heading inside.
Y/n lagged behind for a moment, but May helped them by pushing them forwards gently.

"Go on...It will be ok..." Aunt May assured, and Y/n nodded. With a inhale of a breathe, Y/n puffed up their chest and walked not-so-confidently into the living room. Where everyone was currently hanging out.

Whatever conversation they were having left out the door as Y/n stood there awkwardly, getting self-conscious with all the stares they got.

"I....I wanted to apologize." Y/n began, looking up, "It was completely unnecessary for me to snap like I did...And I'm really, REALLY sorry..."

Y/n then stared at Peter and Gwen.

"Specifically to you two...Peter, I'm sorry that I got angry with you...and Gwen-" Y/n struggled for a moment, "I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you...especially since you were just trying to calm me down...I hope you can forgive me..."

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