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(Fire God Liu Kang is standing there as Kronika gets up.)

(Once she's up, he starts throwing fire balls continuously at her, and once he's had his fun, he blasts her with fire and she turns into red glass.)

(He breaks her now glass hands, and kicks her glass head clean off her shoulders. He then pushes her body down and it shatters in a million peace's.)

Raiden: "Our work is finished, Liu Kang."

(He turns around and sees powerless Raiden standing there.)

Fire God Liu Kang: "Lord Raiden."
Raiden: "I am merely Raiden, now. You have proven worthy to take my place as the new Protector of Earthrealm, once it is restored."
Fire God Liu Kang: "You honor me, Raiden."

(He says bowing to Raiden.)

Raiden: "The honor is mine, Lord Liu Kang. The Sands of Time are now yours to shape. It falls upon you to architect a new history."
Fire God Liu Kang: "The fate of all realms in my hands? Raiden, I cannot do this alone."
Raiden: "I shall advise you for as long as my mortality allows. But have no doubt, you are up to the task."
Fire God Liu Kang: "Then together... Let us begin."

(Fire God Liu Kang walks over to the Hour Glass and starts making a new world.)

??????????: "Cease, Liu Kang, before you doom us all!"

(Says a voice, walking through the portal, with five other figures with him, revealing it to be the one and only Shang Tsung. With him were Circe, Fujin, Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, and Ace.)

Raiden: "Shang Tsung?!"

(Liu Kang looks back, surprised to see what was behind him.)

Fire God Liu Kang: "Nightwolf? Ace? Fujin?! What are you-"
Shang Tsung: "Cease your magic, before the Hourglass shatters."
Raiden: "Even here, at the dawn of time, you spew lies and deceit. We will not hear it!"
Shang Tsung: "In defeating Kronika, you destroyed her Crown. Without it, you can't restart history. The Hourglass will shatter. All Realms will be lost.
Raiden: "Fujin, is this true?"
Fujin: "Kronika's every action was taken to ensure her Crown's preparation. She would not dare restart history without it."

(Liu Kang then stops creating the new world.)

Fire God Liu Kang: "How do you know this?"
Nightwolf: "Kronika came to each of us. For our help, she offered places in her New Era. For refusing her, we were banished to a Void beyond time."
Ace: "We could observe the events leading up to your siege of the Keep, but we were powerless to intervene."
Circe: "But then you killed Kronika."
Shang Tsung: "The Void's seal was broken open, permitting our escape via the Hourglass."
Fire God Liu Kang: "If you know so much about the Hourglass, how do you propose I reset the timeline?"
Shang Tsung: "With the Crown."

(Liu Kang and Raiden look at each other, then Liu Kang looks back at Shang Tsung.)

Fire God Liu Kang: "The Crown is destroyed."
Shang Tsung: "Only in our present. Not in our past."
Fire God Liu Kang: "And while I cannot restart history without the Crown...
Shang Tsung: "You can send travelers back into the current timeline."
Fire God Liu Kang: "I see. I must return to the moment before Kronika's defeat. End that battle differently, so that her Crown remains intact."
Shang Tsung: "That leaves too much to chance. Kronika must never possess the Crown. Otherwise you cannot guarantee victory."
Fire God Liu Kang: "What do you propose, sorcerer?"
Shang Tsung: "That you send me into the past to steal the Crown from my Island before Kronika sends Cetrion to claim it. I'll then deliver it to Lord Raiden and together we'll defeat Kronika. With the Crown and Hourglass under our control, we can restart history safely."

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