Hour of Destiny: Grace & Nimerah

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A/N: Before we start I just want you guys to know since they are sharing a chapter, I'll be doing both their interactions for who they fight, just to give you an idea of the outcome and for you to basically choose who you want to fight this or that person.

Grace: "It's done. The Outworld soldiers have either joined or are imprisoned. Although, Circe and your Daughter Amora haven't been accounted for. They're look for them now."
Kitana Kahn: "Athenians... but... why? After everything they've done to you and your people, you side with them?! Why?!"
Grace: "When your mother found us in the Forest, she told me everything. About the Hour Glass, Kronika, and a way to restore my home. The Athenians were slaves for this... dog. Treated like objects for him and his men to do with as pleased. Ripped of our identity. To live in the very realm that monster did un- unspeakable things to us, it.... it makes me sick. It's not enough I'm allied with him and his wife."
Kitana Kahn: "Yet here you are."
Grace: "An unfortunate, but necessary alliance that will last until the New Era."
Kitana Kahn: "And you are making your Athenians still follow you down this path?"
Grace: "Right now, they're sleeping... sort of."
Kitana Kahn: "Sleeping? What did you do to them?"
Grace: "I've taken control of their minds and movements, to help your pare... Sindel and Shao Kahn. I'm sparing them the fate of watching this all unfold."
Kitana Kahn: "And what happens when they find out about this, or worse! What happens if they die?!"

(Grace sighs and looks away.)

Grace: "An unfortunate risk I am willing to take. But that's ok. They'll be back in the New Era."
Sindel: "Well, now that you two are all caught up, there is a ship ahead blocking our way to Kronika's Keep. Raiden's Allies including our Son."
Shao Kahn: "We did most of the heavy lifting, now it's your turn."
Sindel: "Your mission is to bring Ace back alive. What you do to the rest is up to you."

(Grace nods, and turns around with her Athenians, and walks onto the ship they were previously on.)


(Ace, Baraka, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Erron Black we're on the ship, with Tarkatan soldiers, and they were a little bit ahead of Kitana's. They witnessed Sindel's and the Athenian's betrayal.)

(Ace, meanwhile, punches wood of Kharon's ship, making a bit of an imprint.)

Sub-Zero: "You need to calm down, Ace."
Ace: "Calm down? Easy for you to say. You didn't watch your mother betray you for a man that wiped out your own people, and you didn't watch her beat the one's you loved on a separate boat."
Sub-Zero: "Your right I didn't, but obsessing over it isn't going to help them now."
Erron Black: "Or us."

(Ace, Sub-Zero, and Baraka turn their heads to Erron Black, who hands Scorpion the spyglass.)

Erron Black: "The Athenians are on their way to us, ready to fight."
Ace: "Well that is a big problem."
Sub-Zero: "How so?"
Baraka: "Athenians, although very peaceful at times, are known for War. Trained as infants to protect Athenia, the Queen, and whoever lived on that realm, some even rivaling Demi-Gods."
Ace: "But those kind of Athenian's are rare now, as they were slaughtered by Shao Kahn, as he deemed them to powerful to control, all expect Circe, since he had her wrapped around his thumb."
Erron Black: "Moral of the story is, we're screwed."

(Baraka gets the Tarkatans ready for battle, saying the words in Tarkatan language, as Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Ace, and Erron Black, get into fighting positions.)



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