External Conflicts: Ace

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(Sub-Zero and Liu Kang are walking through the Fire Garden.)

Sub-Zero: "Your Shaolin masters, they are ready?"
Liu Kang: "They will fight until the last man."
Sub-Zero: "That is likely what it will take."
Liu Kang: "There will not be a fight if Kharon does not help us. Is there any word from Grandmaster Hasashi?"
Sub-Zero: "No. If we do not hear soon, I will return to the Netherrealm."

(Just then, Hanzo Hasashi's past self (Scorpion) teleports in front of them.)

Liu Kang: "Wrong Scorpion. This cannot be good."
Sub-Zero: "Get Raiden."

(Liu Kang runs back to get Raiden.)

Scorpion: "The Fire Gardens, rebuilt? The Shirai Ryu are indeed restored."
Sub-Zero: "Why are you here, Scorpion? Where is Grandmaster Hasashi?"
Scorpion: "He is dead."
Sub-Zero: "And now you've come to finish us."
Scorpion: "I understand your mistrust, but I am here to assist you!"
Sub-Zero: "I find that impossible to believe."

(They are about to fight when a portal opens up behind them. Shang Tsung walks out of it.)

Sub-Zero: "What is he doing here?"
Scorpion: "We are not together."
Sub-Zero: "If you are here to help, prove it. Join me against the Sorcerer."
Scorpion: "I shall."

(Fujin and Ace then emerge from the portal as well, with Scorpion and Sub-Zero being stunned at what they're seeing.)

Sub-Zero: "Fujin?! Ace?! Raiden and I thought you both lost when the timeline was broken... But you both stand with Shang Tsung?!"
Ace: "We have urgent news for Raiden, Master. Please, let us pass!"
Sub-Zero: "This may be the Sorcerer's trick."
Scorpion: "The Fire Gardens will not be defiled by his presence."

(The five get into fighting poses. Scorpion uses his Spear on them, but they dodge it, and Sub-Zero uses his Ice to freeze them. Ace moves to the side and Fujin uses the wind to dodge the attack.)

(They look back and see Shang Tsung frozen in place. Ace then looks at Fujin.)

Ace: "I've got my Grandmaster. You take Scorpion."

(Fujin nods, and he and Scorpion start fighting, while Ace and Sub-Zero get ready to.)

Sub-Zero: "Why you have joined Shang Tsung is beyond me, Ace. What has he done to corrupt your mind."

(Ace and Sub-Zero fight. Ace wins by using a Sword Combo.)

Ace: "I am sorry, Grandmaster, but then again, you should listen before you judge."

(Fujin kicks Scorpion back, towards Ace.)

Ace: "I've got him. Help Shang Tsung."

(Fujin nods. Ace then puts his hand up in surrender.)

Ace: "We don't want to fight. All we want is to have a peaceful conversation with Raiden, just like you do."
Scorpion: "I didn't bring Shang Tsung to have a 'peaceful' conversation with him. You did. You do realize how bad that makes you both look, right?"
Ace: "Ehh... you make a good point."

(Ace and Scorpion fight. Ace wins using his Axe on Scorpion.)

Ace: "When this is over, I hope you'll understand."

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