Time's Arrow: Nightwolf

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(Fujin, Ace, Circe, Nightwolf, and Shang Tsung arrive at the Coliseum to see everyone fighting.)

Circe: "When have we arrived?"
Fujin: "Immediately after the time merger, yes? The battle between Kotal and Shao Kahn?"
Nightwolf: "No, Look!"

(They look and see Jade freeing Kotal from his restraints.)

(After she is finished freeing him, Kotal and Jade start fighting Shao Kahn's Soldiers.)

Nightwolf: "It's much later then that. This is Kitana's battle with Shao Kahn."
Shang Tsung: "Then we're almost out of time. We must escape quickly. Changing this battle's outcome could cause Cetrion to claim the Crown earlier than expected."
Ace: "And guarantee our failure."
Nightwolf: "Let's go!"

(They then sneak through the battle and go down some stairs that lead to the Beast Pin.)

(Kollector killing some soldiers notices this and decides to follow. Of course that is before he puts his knife into another soldiers head.)


(They get down the stairs and start walking towards an exit that leads outside the Koliseum.)

(While they were doing that, a Beast runs up towards them, but fortunately it was in its cage, and they continue walking.)

Shang Tsung: "We escaped the battle undetected."
Kollector: "Shang Tsung and Ace!"

(He says making the five warriors turn around.)

Ace: "Or not."
Kollector: "Where have you two been hiding?"

(Kollector then looks at Shang Tsung.)

Kollector: "You consort with Earthrealmers now?"
Nightwolf: "Their business is none of yours, Kollector."
Kollector: "My business is collecting what Shao Kahn wants. He will pay handsomely for you, his son, and... oh an Athenian thought to be long dead."
Circe: "You're outnumbered, Kollector."
Kollector: "Am I?"

(He snaps his fingers, and that causes the gates in the Beast Pin to open making the wild deadly Beasts free. The two Beast attack Fujin, Ace, Circe, and Shang Tsung while Nightwolf moves out of the way of the Beast way.)

(He also looks up to Kollector, who attacks, but rolls outta the way again. He stands up.)

Kollector: "These are indeed strange days. How do Earthrealmers profit by protecting Shang Tsung?"
Nightwolf: "He shares our goal, Kronika's defeat."
Kollector: "You will be partners in death."

(Nightwolf and Kollector fight. Nightwolf wins with shooting his Arrow.)

Nightwolf: "Thank you Great Spirit."

(Meanwhile, Circe summoned some fire to keep one beast in place as Fujin used his Wind to skin it alive.)

(The other Beast also goes to attack them, but Fujin uses his wind magic to keep him up in the air and then slams him down on the ground. Circe then uses her fire to burn the Beast alive. They then all regroup and look up.)

Nightwolf: "Kitana has defeated Shao Kahn."
Circe: "After all these years, he finally got what was coming to him."
Shang Tsung: "And anyway, he always had more ego than skill."
Fujin: "Come. Let us leave while the crowd is distracted."

(He says as they leave the Koliseum.)


(They are outside the Koliseum and Shang Tsung is sitting on a rock while the rest of them are standing discussing the situation.)

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