Winds of Change: Fujin

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(After they resurrected Amora and Sindel, they arrived at Shang Tsung's island, where they see a group of dead monks hanging from ropes.)

Shang Tsung: "They couldn't go on. I am touched by their devotion."

(One of the dead Shaolin monks eye then falls out, as they continue walking.)

Nightwolf: "I question their judgment."

(As they continue walking, and continue the conversation, Amora walks behind Fujin, Circe and Nightwolf with Ace by her side, and has this feeling and looks at Sindel.)

Ace: "What's wrong?"
Amora: "Ever since I came back, I've been having this unsettling feeling, about our mother. Like she's not who she really is."

(Circe smiles to herself as she hears this.)

(Ace is about to say something, but Sindel cuts him off, with her loud voice as she was in the other conversation.

Sindel: "Are we not following him now? At least we do not follow that fool, Raiden. Then we would surely die."

(Ace and Amora look at each other, same goes with Fujin, Circe, and Nightwolf.)

(Suddenly, Revenant Kabal starts running around the group. Fujin uses his wind to blow him away at the right second.)

Fujin: "You may run like the wind, Kabal, but I command it. You should have devised a better plan."
Revenant Kabal: "There's more to come."

(Revenant Jade comes from around the Corner and stands in front of them, as they now turned around and were facing her.)

(She spins her staff around a few times and hits the ground.)

Revenant Jade: "Rise, in Shinnok's name!"

(She makes the Shaolin Monks that were on the rope, live again. But, as Zombies.)

(The Zombie Monks get free from the ropes, all except one who ripped his own head off, and once they were free from the ropes, they landed on the ground and surrounded the Warriors.)

(Jade walks up with them and points her staff towards the group.)

Revenant Jade: "You will be returned to the Void."

(She then points the staff to Sindel and Amora.)

Revenant Jade: "Not even they can help you."

(Nightwolf, Sindel, Circe, Shang Tsung, Ace, and Fujin start fighting the Zombie Monks, with Amora making herself a Staff and starts staff fighting with Revenant Jade.)

(Fujin uses his crossbow and shoots one of them at the Monks head.)

(He then shoots three at Kabal, who dodges them with his Super Speed.)

Revenant Kabal: "Too slow! I expected better, Fujin."

(Fujin and Revenant Kabal fight. Fujin wins using his Crossbow.)

Fujin: "Now do I meet your expectations?"

(Amora kicks Revenant Jade back towards Fujin, who skids back.)

Fujin: "Hold off, Amora. I've got her."

(Amora nods and goes to help the rest of the group fight the Zombie Monks, while Jade turns towards Fujin.)

Revenant Jade: "You've made a grave mistake resurrecting Sindel."
Fujin: "And what is that supposed to mean?"
Revenant Jade: "That resurrecting her will cause a great deal of trouble... for both you and me."

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