Guardian For Life: Sheeva

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Sheeva: "Escort you and your "comrades" to the Soul Chamber?"
Circe: "Yes."
Sheeva: "Have you come from the future only to insult me? I am no sword for hire."
Circe: "This request is far below your present station, your highness. But defeating Kronika depends on us reaching that chamber."
Sheeva: "You disappear for 30 years, maybe more, and now that your back you want to start making demands. Why?"
Circe: "Because, we must restore Amora and Sindel."
Sheeva: "My Princess and Empress."

(Fujin and Nightwolf come in carrying a coffin with Sindel's revenant in it, and Shang Tsung and Ace also come in, carrying Amora's coffin.)

(The four set down the Coffin's on top of two tables in front of Sheeva's throne. Sheeva gets up and starts walking towards their coffins, as Shang Tsung, Ace, Nightwolf, and Fujin walk to the side and next to Circe.)

Sheeva: "You've captured their Revenants..."
Circe: "Together, Shang Tsung and I can restore them to life."
Sheeva: "Why? To make a slave of them, as Quan Chi did?"
Ace: "So that they can aid us against Kronika. But you have my vow, they will be freed from all influence. I can promise you that."
Shang Tsung: "As I recall, you were blood-bound to Empress Sindel and her two infant children... at the time..."

(Saying, as he looked at Ace.)

Sheeva: "I was their protectors-for-life. Even after Sindel's death, Shao Kahn ordered me to protect the infant twins (Ace and Amora) until they could walk and I could train them to be assassins, with Kitana."
Shang Tsung: "How it must have pained you when two died, and the other helped kill your prince."

(Ace looks away ashamed.)

Circe: "That was not your fault. You could not save them, then. Now you can."
Sheeva: "Then I w- No. We must present this to Kitana Kahn."
Fujin: "Respectfully, your highness, if we approach Kitana-"
Nightwolf: "She'll cut Shang Tsung's head off."
Shang Tsung: "Kitana never appreciated my contributions to the Empire."
Ace: "For a good reason to."
Nightwolf: "Like replacing her with an evil clone?"
Shang Tsung: "Yes."
Fujin: "Time is short, Queen Sheeva. We must act now and beg for Kitana's forgiveness later, after restoring her and Ace's mother and sister. Will you help us?"

(There's a ten second pause until Sheeva speaks up again.)

Sheeva: "By concealing you from Kitana, I betray my oath to her..."

(She looks down at the coffins in front of her.)

Sheeva: "But my life belongs to Sindel and Amora."

(Nightwolf and Shang Tsung look at each other as Sheeva then looks at Shang Tsung.)

Sheeva: "You will be recognized by Kitana's imperial guard."
Shang Tsung: "True. They won't take to me kindly."

(So Shang Tsung shape-shifts into one of Sheeva's Shokan soldiers.)

Sheeva: "That will do."


(Shang Tsung, now shape-shifted into one of the Shokan soldiers, is helping Nightwolf carry the Coffin of Amora from the front, as next to them Ace and Fujin are carrying Sindel's coffin through the deadpool, with Circe and Sheeva leading them.)

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