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Middle school you was greatly different from elementary school you.

You were no longer the quiet, shy kid who would cry for her mother because she had separation anxiety. You were much more confident than before. While you weren't as outgoing as you had become with Riza, but you were still talkative enough to initiate a conversation with the girl that sat next to you.

Your new middle school was Korusan Middle School, a typical middle school but you heard rumors that some super famous hero's kid was also attending your middle school. You would have loved to know who it was, but if your parents have taught you anything, it was to not stick your nose in someone else's business.

Besides, if it's really some hotshot hero's kid attending, then you're sure that they'll probably prance around like they own the place, letting you know who it was.

With that, you started your middle school life. Your sister was also nearing the end of her high school life, and you knew that getting into a good university would be no problem for her. She would do well, and as her sister, you hoped for the best.

Your brother had already began university and it seemed like he enjoyed it quite a bit. Unlike high school, there wasn't such a pressure to always do your best. Hearing that made you happy, wishing for the time when you would enter a university to finally ease up.

Middle school was rather uneventful for half of the first year. In fact, you still don't know who that hero's kid is. Who knows, maybe they never even attended this school and it was all just a baseless rumor.

Whatever it was, you were just glad that middle school was not as terrifying as you had expected. Sure, you had the worry of doing your best for tests and all, but other than that, there were no bullies like Rae and you actually had made some friends.

One of them was Tachibana Shiho, a strict, easily angered, religious girl who came from a family of shrine maidens. Meanwhile, another one your friends was Kawaki Mikoto, a peppy orphan who was raised by her older siblings and her relatives. Lastly was Yukimura Fumiko, a girl who was too stoic for her own good.

The three of these girl helped you survive middle school. While you all had different plans for your futures, you all promised that you would keep in contact even after middle school. Mikoto was the one who had friends all over the school, and she'd tell you that the hero's kid really did attend your school, and it wasn't just a rumor.

But you all were too busy having fun to care for who it was. None of you really bothered with playing detective to figure out who it was. And you were happy your friends also minded their own business and weren't the nosy type. Shiho and Mikoto were actually childhood friends, and seemed to always bicker with each other, but you and Fumiko enjoyed their pointless banter.

At least they didn't let it drag on more than a day or two. And both you and Fumiko appreciated that about them.


Middle school was filled with a lot of weird interactions.

But one of them stuck to you particularly. Because you had never interacted with the person before despite sharing the same class.

Todoroki Shoto; he was an extremely quiet kid in your class. He was one of the top students, and sometimes the teacher would partner you both because you both had good grades, but it wasn't anything special. He had been partnered with your three friends as well, because they also had good grades.

But he was someone that was just an anomaly in your eyes. He had no friends, no participation in the class, and a resting bitch face, not to mention that glaring scar on his face. When you first saw him, you compared him to the stoic characters from a manga. But he was even more cut off than those characters.

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