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When you returned back home, you hauled yourself to the kitchen and looked around to see if there was something to eat.

Because you were starving!

But there's wasn't exactly anything that you could snack on, so you just grabbed the bread and began to eat it without any nutella or jam. You didn't even bother making yourself a sandwich or toasting it.

And then it dawned on you.

You still had to make dinner for your family too...

At times like this, you really, really missed your mother. You missed how you always had a warm meal waiting for you whenever you came back from your school and how your mother would ask you how your day went.

She always nagged at you because you didn't eat properly, saying that you would eat way too many snacks and you wouldn't feel hungry after all that junk food. But you knew that even though she said that, she was always the one who bought you your favourite snacks.

Reminiscing all of this made your heart ache. You tried to push the tears down but you were tired, and you were always very sensitive when you were tired. You didn't even know when you started crying, all you knew was that you were sobbing while simultaneously stuffing your face with a slice of bread.

After crying to yourself, you picked up your bag and went over to your room to take a bath before getting ready to make dinner, and clean the house up a bit. With your mental checklist, you immediately hopped into the shower and recalled today's events.

God, you're already dreading tomorrow...

Today was so eventful and it was just supposed to be orientation today. And now, you also have an idea of how psychotic your teacher is. You don't doubt that he might threaten you guys with expulsion again, later on in the future. But judging by how he told you guys it was a lie, you don't think anyone will believe him in the future.

Cracking your joints and easing up your muscles in the shower, you quickly washed up before stepping out of the bathroom and throwing on a [Favorite Color] shirt and [Second Favorite Color] pants. You didn't really care if they matched or not, it wasn't like anyone was going to see what you were wearing in your own home.

After that, you walked over to the kitchen and started on the dinner. You made sure to put on some music to work alongside with. Making sure you had all the ingredients, you started cooking. It took you about 45 minutes to put together the meal and you sat down at the sofa to rest for a bit.

Then came cleaning and washing the dishes. By the time you were done, you were exhausted. Thankfully, you didn't have any homework since it was just the first day, but you're actually dreading when you'll have to do all your chores and still have to do your homework.

Since you were so tired, you didn't bother eating anything and just slammed yourself on the bed, letting sleep welcome you in its comforting embrace.

Besides, there's nothing better than sleep after having a crying session!

When you woke up the next day, you heard your father calling for you from the kitchen, telling you to wake up. Groggily, you turned off the alarm on your phone and got dressed for school.

Ugh, you feel so tired and your stomach feels like it's gonna kill you...

"G'morning..." You muttered as you took a seat at the dining table. Your father placed a plate in front of you, a [Favorite Spread] sandwich, "You must have been so tired from school, huh?" You dad asked, a jolly tone in his voice as you nodded while eating your sandwich.

Thank God, you feel so much better after eating something!

"So much for orientation, my teacher made us do a Quirk Apprehension Test and lied to us that he'd expel whoever came last." Your family looked at you in shock.l, "Woah, he sounds like a scary guy... Is that even allowed?"

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