By the time the award ceremony had finished, you were convinced that Iida was not going to come.
Still, you just prayed your class president was okay. You sure hoped it would be that way, because it felt wrong to celebrate without one of the winners. He had won third place with you, he should have been standing alongside you. Yet, he was God-knows-where.
As you walked through the halls of the stadium, about to make your way back to the locker room to change back into your school uniform that you had arrived to school in, you kept your eyes trained on the medal dangling from your neck, a somewhat small smile making way to your lips.
You still weren't over what Endeavor had said to you, but All Might's words and his hug really did help you. His kindness was really comforting, perhaps that's why you felt somewhat at ease.
As you were busy in your thoughts, you stumbled into a somewhat hard chest.
You immediately shot your eyes up to apologize to whomever you had bumped into.
But then, you were taken by surprise.
"Amajiki-senpai?" Your eyes widened. What was he doing here? Didn't he have the Third Years Sports Festival today? But the boy in question looked rather embarrassed to have been spotted by you, "H-H-Hey... [Last Name]-san." He greeted in an almost whisper-like tone and you smiled at his shy nature.
"Hello, Amajiki-senpai. It's quite a nice surprise to see you here..." Tilting your head to the side, you tried to gauge his expressions, "Are you done with your Sports Festival?" He shakily nodded and hesitantly pulled out a medal from his pocket, "Woah, you won second place?! You're amazing, Amajiki-senpai!" He only shied away from your eager form.
You're too bright for his poor eyes.
"Y-Yeah... Thanks, um..." It was then that he pointed to the medal hanging on your neck and finally looked up to give you a very shaky, yet somewhat proud smile, "You-You won third! That's amazing... I didn't-I didn't even make it to the... third event in my... first Festival."
"Ah, thank you! Honestly, it's pure luck that I was pitted against the people that I had a slight advantage over... If I was pitted against Bakugo from the beginning, I would have lost..." He tilted his head to the side with a look of confusion, "Isn't that... how the festival works? Not even-Not even the second place would have made it this far... if they were pitted against the winner from the get-go."
You figured his words made sense, so you nodded with a calm smile, "Yeah, I guess you're right..." He tried to return your smile but he only looked really awkward and ultimately dropped it at the thought of embarrassing himself.
"Uh... H-Hado-san... and Mirio, they... they wanted to come too... but they were taken over... by our classmates... They really, really wanted to see you... So-" He stopped midway, somehow losing his words and not remember what he wanted to say. You saw him ruffle his hair in frustration and then groan to himself, so you figured you might as well cut him some slack.
"Thanks, Amajiki-senpai! Please make sure to thank both of them for me, too. I'm really glad to know that you're all so caring..." He seemed much more at ease now that he wasn't pressuring himself to finish his sentence. The bluenette nodded and whispered a quiet thank you and a 'got it', before turning his head in another direction, seemingly avoiding your gaze.
You were unsure about what you should have talked to him about, not really wanting to make him uncomfortable with anything. You thought about asking about his quirk, but then wondered if he'd feel comfortable telling you. Maybe you should just ask him how the events in the third year's festival were like?
Yeah, that seemed like a good idea!
But before you could implement your idea, you heard someone calling your name; [Sister Name].

Fanfiction[Various!BNHA X Fem!Reader] Always hiding in the shadow of your siblings, you slowly learn that you don't want to be a burden anymore... You want to become the best version of yourself.