The third year and last year of your middle school had finally began.
Your career crisis was as rampant as ever, but it's not like you could do anything other than continue your research for different professions. You still had an entire year until you could actually apply for high school, so you only prayed that you would be able to decide on a career by the end of your school year.
As the days rolled by, you realised that out of the entire class, Todoroki only ever greeted or acknowledged you. Now, you don't want to get ahead of yourself, but even the teacher seemed to pick it up and began partnering you both up more frequently (probably because everyone else was too intimidated by Todoroki.)
As much you were flattered, even you felt awkward with him. But you're not sure if he also felt that, maybe he did and just didn't show it. Whatever it was, you're just glad that if he did, he didn't point it out. You're sure you would have committed seppuku right then and there, if he did tell you how awkward you were.
Meanwhile, your friends were burning in jealousy, and already planning a murder.
How dare that random boy try to take their friend?! Sure, he's cute and all but he wasn't even that close to you in the first few years, and now suddenly, he's your partner for everything?!
Well, Fumiko was the one who was mostly fuming over it. She was always too protective over you, but even Shiho and Mikoto could tell that she was way too pissed at that Todoroki kid for having stolen you (even if it wasn't his doing.)
"I'm sure he's got a crush on [Name] and the teacher just took advantage of that to pair them... He's too scary for everyone else, so I'm not surprised." Mikoto softly whispered to Shiho, careful not to let Fumiko hear them or else she would have actually marched up to you and Todoroki working on your titrations and ripped his head off.
"I'll kill him... Look at how he's all over her..." Fumiko growled while Mikoto could only deadpan when she followed her gaze, "Fumi, he's just fixing the burette for her, calm down."
"Yeah, and [Name] still sits with us, eats lunch with us, and has study dates with us. You know she's only with him because the teacher pairs them up." Shiho added and gave her a thumbs up, "- so don't worry, you'll always be her first choice!"
A blush coated Fumiko's pale cheeks and she nodded, looking down at her lap in all her bashfulness.
"Come on, guys! Todoroki and [Name] are almost done with their titration and we haven't even started!! Let's go, girls! We can't be defeated by the Canadian flag!" Mikoto decided to cheer up Fumiko because she noticed that she was always sad without you.
Hopefully, she would be able to deal with high school without going on a murder spree because she missed you too much. Yeah, no. Even Fumi wasn't psychotic enough to hurt someone, she was studying to become a hero.
But it was still worrying.
Half way through your third year, you were approached by your family about what you wanted to do in the future.
They were worried if you would be confused with your options. Especially since you were always babied, you never really made too many decisions on your own. Your indecisive nature was one of your biggest weaknesses.
So they tried to help you while saying, "You're still in middle school, but I think it's better for you to choose an appropriate high school for what you want to do..."
"You know, things like A.I and IT are really famous these days, maybe you should try that out?" Your father offered with a smile, and your brother shook his head, "She's not all that big with A.I and IT, maybe something like Accounting or Data Management."

Fanfiction[Various!BNHA X Fem!Reader] Always hiding in the shadow of your siblings, you slowly learn that you don't want to be a burden anymore... You want to become the best version of yourself.