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You reached class when Aizawa had already entered. The moment you opened the door, the eyes of the entire class were on you and you could feel your embarrassment kick in, "You're late, [Last Name]." The ravenette teacher started and you slightly bowed to show your culpability.

"I'm sorry, Aizawa-sensei. The crowd of reporters made it hard for me to push through." He just nodded and let you take your seat. Once you were seated, he cleared his throat and started again.

"I watched the recording of your battle training yesterday." He began and his eyes narrowed when he turned to the angry blonde of your class, "Bakugo, you have a lot of potential. So stop acting like a child and get a hold of yourself." He then turned to your green haired friend, "Midoriya, do you always plan on breaking your bones when you use your quirk? You should hurry up, you don't have a lot of time here."

Then, he finally turned to the dual haired boy, "Todoroki, you're strong. So stop throwing a tantrum when you lose. Have some self-restraint." The boy let out a small grumble but didn't say anything else.

"That's all there is to that." You all thought that was the end of Homeroom and Aizawa would be falling asleep any minute but he became serious once more, "Now, I suppose it's time for something that might affect you a lot in the future."

All of you were at the edge of your seats. What is it? Another test? Or a battle training? Perhaps something else?

"You should choose your class president."

The entire class comically deflated, "Right... I forgot that under all those Quirk Apprehension Tests and Battle training, this is still a normal high school." You heard someone speak up as you all eased up.

But just as you all had relaxed, the class was taken by a wave of determination as everyone started shouting about how much they wanted to be the class president. Even the ever angry Bakugo was yelling to be the president.

"If I become class president, I will make it compulsory for all female students to raise their skirts by 35 cm!" You cringed at what that purple midget had said. Mineta, wasn't it? You made a mental note to stay as far away from him as possible.

You leaned over your desk and towards Yaoyorozu, "Hey, Yaoyorozu-san? Don't you want to be class president?" She smiled when she heard your voice, "It is certainly an honorable position, but I suppose that I will step if someone ask me to. I wouldn't want to be cocky and step up on my own." You giggled and she smiled when she turned to you.

"What about you, [Last Name]-san? Don't you wish to be class president?" You shook your head with a small smile, "Nope. I'm too indecisive, I could never take on such a responsible role." She nodded, her respect for you increasing when she realised how you were willing to accept your weaknesses.

Amongst all this ruckus, Iida decided to shut everyone up, "Everyone!! Being a class president is more than just fun! It's a job that should be entrusted to the most trust-worthy and responsible person!"

"You say that, but your hand's raised the highest."

Oh, yeah. He's right. So much for giving a speech of responsibility and something else.

"Wouldn't it be better if we all just voted? Whoever gets the most votes would be the most 'trust-worthy' as Iida-san said." You finally decided to speak up, making Tsu turn to you, "But we don't really know each other that well. How can we even vote that way?"

"Yeah, but if anyone gets more than one vote, that means in a group of practical strangers, they're the most trusted one. Besides, if they prove themselves to be unfit for the job, Aizawa-sensei can just appoint someone else."

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