Your first day at UA had finally arrived and you couldn't have been more nervous.
You got up extra early and got ready. You ate just half of your usual breakfast because you were just too nervous. But thankfully, your family was trying to calm you down by telling you that today was just orientation and nothing could go wrong.
Deciding to take their words, you messaged Midoriya and Kirishima, if either of them would like to walk to school with you, but it seems like you woke up a bit too early, because they hadn't even seen the message yet. Tsu lived on the opposite side of your house so there wasn't really any way for you to go together.
You just waited for a while before finally walking out the door, taking a deep breath, "It's fine, I'm fine... I'll be fine! Besides, I already know some people in UA so I'll be fine!!" That was all you kept telling yourself as you crossed the street.
In about 20 minutes (including the train ride), you managed to reach UA. Oh God, you feel like you're gonna throw up right now. The nervousness was making you sick!
Still, you took a gulp of breath before walking towards the tall H-shaped building. You had no idea if the first years were supposed to be on the first floor or upstairs but one look at the giant 3 written on the first floor made you realise that that it was probably upstairs.
You couldn't actually believe that you were at UA. You finally made it to your dream school!!
"Finally..." You muttered, as you looked at the 1 written at the top of the floor entrance. You looked around carefully and there it was! Your class!!
Scurrying over to the giant door, you smiled as you saw the letter, Class 1-A.
You were so happy to find out that you were placed in class 1-A, like Midoriya, Tsu and Kirishima. It really made you happy!
As you slid the door open, you found out that you weren't the first one to arrive. There was a plethora of students who were also early like you.
One of them, was the four-eyed dude who called out on Midoriya at the entrance exams. And it seems like he was rushing over to you.
You walked in and slid the door close but your path was blocked by the bespectacled guy, "Hello!! My name is Iida Tenya! I'm from Somei Private Academy, it's very nice to make your acquaintance!!" He made a little choppy choppy motion with his hands and you almost parted your lips in surprise.
Somei? Damn, this guy must be one of those rich kids... No wonder he looked like he had a stick up his ass.
But he doesn't exactly seem that rude as of right now, if anything, he took the initiative to greet you so might as well be polite too. You smiled politely and bowed at a perfect 30° angle, "It's nice to meet you too, Iida-san. I'm [Last Name][Name]. Please take care of me."
He seemed very pleased with your introduction, "Of course!! I hope you take care of me as well, [Last Name]-kun!! I believe I saw your name on the leaderboard! Congratulations on that, [Last Name]-kun!"
Ah... He was on the leaderboard too, right?
"R-Right! Thank you so much, I think I saw your name on the leaderboard too!" He nodded, affirming that he was, indeed, up there. After that, you excused yourself to find your seat, which was at the very back of the class, since you were student no. 21.
Great, you can definitely see the black board from all the way back here...
Oh well, you just hope the students in front of you won't be like, six feet tall, basketball player-ish kids, or you'll need to get notes from someone up front.

Fanfiction[Various!BNHA X Fem!Reader] Always hiding in the shadow of your siblings, you slowly learn that you don't want to be a burden anymore... You want to become the best version of yourself.