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Parents' Day had finally arrived, and you couldn't help but be slightly nervous at the idea of reading your letter out loud. Granted, you made sure to keep it sentimental but also made sure to not get way to sappy.

Hopefully, you won't embarrass yourself...

You arrived to school as usual, chatting with Kaibara on the way to the train station and on the train too, and finally parting ways when your classes were in sight.

You entered the class and were immediately greeted by Kirishima smiling ever so brightly at you, "Hey there, [Last Name]-san! Good morning!"

"Good morning to you too, Kirishima-san! Did you get to finish your letter?" He nodded eagerly and his enthusiasm was so contagious that you couldn't help but be charged up by him.

As soon as you walked over to your seat, you greeted Momo and Uraraka and they began chatting about the chocolate mochi concoction that the latter had you guys try.

You simply sat in your seat, chiming every once in a while in the conversation as to not be completely excluded but also not actively taking part in it. You were content this way, when you felt someone place their hand on your shoulder.

"Good morning, [Last Name]." You were greeted with the sight of Todoroki, tilting his head to the side as he gave you a very miniscule smile. Yet, it was enough to elicit a smile from you, "Good morning, Todoroki!"

"Ah, Midoriya. Good morning to you too." Only when he had said it, did you realise that Midoriya had also made it over to your desk and somehow the girls had moved a bit further away to not disturb you.

"Oh, good morning, Midoriya-san!"

"Good morning both of you!" The greenette greeted and Todoroki kept his gaze on the curly haired male, "You asked who was coming from my family last time... It's going to be my older sister, Fuyumi."

"O-Oh! Is that so? That's great!" Poor Midoriya didn't mean to actually direct the question at Todoroki at that time, but in his defense, he was trying to save you from an awkward interaction.

"By the way... [Last Name]," the dual haired male then turned to you. "My sister really wanted to talk to you, do you mind meeting her?"

"Huh? Me?" You were genuinely confused as to why she would want to meet you when your mind suddenly recalled something, "Todoroki... Did you ever fix that entire 'girlfriend' misunderstanding?" The boy blinked owlishly before slowly shaking his head.

You couldn't help but facepalm at his actions.

This idiot...

"Alright everyone!! It's time for Homeroom!! Please settle down in your seats!" Todoroki pats your shoulder one more time before leaving for his seat, making you heave a sigh. You should probably clear it all up once you meet his sister.

Surprisingly, it had been a good while since Homeroom commenced and there was still no Aizawa. You guys waited and waited, some even speculated that he might be on leave but then where was someone to cover for him? And if there wasn't anyone to cover, wasn't Iida to be informed?

While it was odd, but you guys just figured that it was a last minute absense and chalked it off as that. But then, as soon as Homeroom ended, you all collectively got a message from Aizawa himself, telling you all to get dressed in your hero costumes and ride the bus to the the mock cityscape.

Although reluctant, you guys follow Aizawa's orders, even if it seems very odd. Just as you guys board the bus, Midoriya who is right next to you, mentions to you ever so quietly, "I'm worried, [Last Name]-san... Wasting time like this isn't like Aizawa-sensei...."

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