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Finally, the day for your internships had arrived.

As you all stood at the station with your hero costumes securely held in your hands, Aizawa also accompanied your class in order to see you all off, "You all have your hero costumes, right? Make sure not to wear them in public and don't drop them."

"Yessir!!" Mina yelled out with a face filled with glee, making the older ravenette turn to her, "Speak clearly, Ashido. It's 'Yes, sir'." The girl immediately deflated and nodded with a weary look, "Yes, sir..."

"Also make sure to be respectful and mind your manners. Don't try to act out, behave." He ordered, making you push down a smile that was slowly forming on your lips. He really is like a mother hen.

As you all had different places to go to, many of you took a different train. You stood at the platform with a small smile, it was a week-long internship. Hopefully, you'll get to hone your skills even more.

"Now, off you go." He muttered, shooing you all as your respective trains arrived at the station. Just when you were about to board the train, a hand reached out to you and stopped you, "[Last Name]-chan!" You turned to see the bright red hair of Kirishima, a gentle grin on his face as he peered at you.

"Let's do our best at our internships! I know we both have been busy lately so when we come back, do you wanna get some crepes together? There's a new shop that opened up nearby!" A smile made way to your lips as you enthusiastically nodded, "Mhm, I'd love that! Good luck with your internship!" He returned the gesture and you both finally boarded the train.

The train ride to Edgeshot's agency wasn't that long, after a few minutes or so, you were already off at Hosu station. However, the moment you walked out, you were greeted by a gust of wind at your side and...

"Good afternoon, I am guessing you are the new intern of Mr. Edgeshot that I am supposed to pick up?" A feminine voice rang at your side and you turned to see a relatively tall woman with a ninja mask covering her face. She looked at you with sharp, calculating eyes and the moment you nodded, she hooked your arm with hers and immediately your vision went black.

Your vision returned a millisecond later, and you were met with the sight of Edgeshot's agency standing right in front of you, "H-Huh?!" You almost stumbled in shock but the lady from before caught you, "Careful. My quirk should have made you quite dizzy with its sudden usage."

'Then, perhaps you shouldn't use it so suddenly and without warning, ever thought of that?!'

She let you clear up your dizziness for a moment before pulling you inside the building, where you both were greeted by a receptionist. The two women exchanged some words and finally, the kunoichi from before dragged you towards the elevator.

You guys arrived at the 6th floor with a satisfying ping from the elevator and stepped out. Leaving a few door, you and the lady walked up to the Japanese style shoji door and she slid the door open to reveal Edgeshot, sitting in a traditional seiza position, "[Last Name][Name]-san, I'm pleased to see that you arrived safely."

You bowed respectfully as soon as you saw him, "Good afternoon, Edgeshot-san. It's an honour to be here. Please take care of me." He nodded and motioned you over to sit across from him, making you quite nervous but the stoic lady from before noticed your nervousness and gave you a soft look (maybe it was a smile but you couldn't tell with the mask).

You placed your suitcase next to you and sat down, also in a seiza position. He looked at you for a good minute before starting, "So, [Last Name]-san. I hope you do not mind informing me of your hero name, since that is what you will be referred to the most, in here." You nodded at his request and answered accordingly.

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