Edgeshot kept his eyes trained on the flaming hero, a sharp look in his eyes as he tilted his head, "Endeavor, do you have any problems with my intern?"
"None of that. I'm simply curious why you took her. One conversation is all it took for me to gauge how she's going to be in the future." He then shot you a chilling glare as he continued, "I'm sure you could have gotten that Bakugo kid, or perhaps the other recommended girl..."
God, you hated this...
You had so many insults for this bastard of a man, but you were constantly reminded of the difference in social status as soon as you saw him.
If he wanted, he could not just ruin your career, but also ruin your family too.
"Oi, old man. That's enough..." You heard Shoto growl from behind his father, but the man didn't even spare him a second glance, "I appreciate your input, Endeavor. But I'd rather suggest you stop 'gauging people' from your conversations with them and start focusing on the task at hand, which would be the joint-patrol."
You were half-expecting Shoto to step in, but Edgeshot too?
When you looked up to see your mentor, you were surprised to see a cold look in his eyes. As soon as your gaze drifted off to the side, you were even more shocked to see Dyson and Flashgate also glaring at Endeavor with the same coldness as Edgeshot.
The flaming hero huffed but said no more as he proceeded to walk towards one of the meeting rooms. Judging by how he knew the layout of the agency, it was safe to say that they often worked together.
Which was why, it was even more shocking when Edgeshot stood up for you.
"[Last Name]. Are you okay?" You were pulled out of your thoughts when you saw Shoto walking up to you, a frown on his thin lips. You gave him a tired smile as you nodded, "I'm fine, Todoroki. Let's get going."
You really didn't want to talk right now after just getting publicly humiliated by the number two hero.
It almost seemed like everytime you were starting to feel good about yourself, somehow you were met with a harsh slap from reality, constantly reminding you of your inferiority to everyone else.
It was starting to wear you out.
"I'm sorry about what he said. All he knows is how to insult people, don't listen to him." You mindlessly nodded, slowly walking towards the meeting room where Endeavor and Edgeshot were. Shoto was following you too, a worried look in his eyes as he was reminded of something.
"I don't know, did your... father ask you to mess with me or something?"
Ah, suddenly your words from before made a lot more sense to the dual haired boy. His father probably met you after the Sports Festival and tried to degrade you just like right now. Just the thought of his father being an asshole to you made Shoto's blood boil.
He could put up with any abuse his father threw at him, having gotten pretty used to it, but for him to drag you into it too?! That was when he drew the line.
Anger began to seeth in the young male as he watched you walk ahead of him. He really did feel guilty for what his father had said to you and seeing that defeated look in your eyes really made him feel uneasy. It was the same feeling he had felt back in middle school when your friend questioned if you were seeing someone.
The feeling that his heart was being squeezed and his throat was closing in.
He realised right then and there, that a smile looked much better on your face.
"Let's go, Todoroki. I'm really fine, so don't worry." You told him as he hesitantly nodded and ultimately joined your side to enter the meeting room.
The moment you both did, you were met with Endeavor and Edgeshot just done with their personal talk and they finally moved to the purpose of the joint-patrol; trying to catch the Hero Killer.

Fanfiction[Various!BNHA X Fem!Reader] Always hiding in the shadow of your siblings, you slowly learn that you don't want to be a burden anymore... You want to become the best version of yourself.