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After your heartfelt talk with Todoroki, he went back to his seat and proceeded to act like he didn't just spill his entire backstory to you, like 10 minutes ago.

But you didn't mind it, in fact, you were pleased that he wasn't expecting you to suddenly coddle him just because you felt bad for him. You get it, he's had it bad. And so long as he continues to work on not being rude, you actually enjoy his company.

But only if he doesn't relapse back to being an asshole.

Yet, the thing you were more focused on right now, was Iida. Unlike the usual days, where he was probably the second or third person to arrive in class, he had been relatively late today. Now, you can chalk it off as simply him being tired from the Sports Festival and in result, oversleeping.

But the moment he walked in, he had a weird aura to him that you couldn't explain. You knew that something had happened to his brother (as told by Midoriya), and while you were very tempted to ask him if he was alright, you reminded yourself that you weren't as close with him as he was with Midoriya and Uraraka.

Heaving a sigh, you begrudgingly left him to his own devices and decided to just scroll through social media while waiting for your friends to arrive.

As you scrolled past the different headlines, one of them caught your attention.

The Hero Killer on the loose as another of his victims found in Hosu.

You were about to click on the article to read more when you were pulled out of your thoughts by a call, "[Name]-chan, good morning."

You snapped your eyes up to see Tsu and Momo smiling at you, waving and you returned a smile on reflex, "Good morning, you two! Did you guys rest up?" They happily nodded as Tsu went over to her seat and Momo slid in hers that was just infront of yours, "[Name]-chan... My mother saw the Sports Festival, and upon finding out that you were my friend, she was ecstatic! Oh, I've never seen my mother this happy before!"

You were pretty shocked that someone was this happy to find out that their daughter was your friend but you certainly weren't complaining.

"Oh? That's so sweet of her! But... Um..." You wanted to ask why she was so happy to find that out, but you also didn't want her to think you were fishing for compliments or something.

"She was happy to know that I'm making friends, especially female friends!" The ravenette lowered her head slightly in shame, "You see, I don't exactly have a lot of friends... So to actually see you and know that you're my friend really made my mother happy."

That's... That's so cute!!

"Momo-chan... You're too sweet to me!" She blushed at your compliment and you guys practically reveled in the sweet and fluffy atmosphere you both had created.

Unfortunately, the sweet moment and vibes were cut short when Aizawa walked in and class finally commenced.

After a boring session of roll call that always gave you an unnecessary amount of anxiety in fear of missing your name, your teacher finally got down to business.

"Good work at the Sports Festival, all of you. Today's Hero Informatics eriod will be spent on formulating Hero Names." Aizawa then proceeded to shut you all up from getting too excited and continued, "Thanks to your performance in front of the pro-heroes, a number of you have been offered internships at their hero agencies." He proceeded to pull out a remote to the projector as he continued, "To make things easier for you all, we decided to tally up all the offers and show the numbers here."

You all looked ahead at the board where you guys saw the names of students and the number of offers they had gotten.

Todoroki Shoto - 4,123

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