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Like Aizawa had suggested, you had spent the entire next day resting and reassuring your friends, that you were just fine now. A quick visit to Recovery Girl let you take off your bandages without any problems and you made sure to let Riza and Fumiko know of this, because those two had been going batshit crazy over your health.

The day after that, you got ready for school. Needless to say, Kaibara was very shocked to see you at the train station, he thought you would definitely take some days off, since he knew that out of the entire class of 1-A, you were the one who was caught in the villain's attack.

So he made sure to keep an eye on you, and he was even ready to fight a person for your seat (you told him that you were fine and only then did he let go of the issue). Regardless, he was still very worried for your health and made sure to walk you to your class (even though he was like, next door).

When you finally opened the door, everyone snapped their eyes towards you. And the moment they did, you let a wild smirk take over your lips.

"I lived, bitches."

The entire class erupted into chaos as everyone huddled around you (almost everyone) and treated you like you were a piece of glass; fragile and about to break any minute.

"[Last Name]-chan!! What are you doing here?! You should be resting!!" Uraraka spoke up and Midoriya nodded at her side, worry swirling in his forest green eyes. He even went as far as taking your bag as to not let you carry with any weight.

"Why couldn't you just sit at home, kero?" Tsu was a bit calmer but still worried while Yaoyorozu had tears lining her eyes. Jiro and Shoji were at your sides, ready to grab you if you fell down from overexerting yourself.

"We would have happily given you all the notes of things you would have missed, you should have just rested at home!" Iida stated as Kirishima was worrying like a headless chicken, Hagakure nodding at his side. Tokoyami was in the back, trying to hold back Dark Shadow from pushing through the crowd and pulling you into a hug (he began seeing you as an older sister ever since you called him a cute little brother).

Others like Koda, Satou and Aoyama were watching you in worry but didn't think they were close enough with you to overwhelm you with their presence. In midst of all their worrying, you couldn't help the giggles that escaped your lips, "Guys, guys... I'm fine! Don't worry about me, Recovery Girl really healed everything! See, I don't have any wounds!"

You showed them your face by moving your head to the side but they still didn't seem convinced, "Besides, being stuck at home was really boring. I'd rather hang out with all of you!"

That seemed to do the trick because before long, all of them looked really touched and happy with your sweet words.

As you took your seat, Aizawa walked in a few minutes later and everyone seemed shocked! He had a bunch of bandages wrapped around his head and his arm was in a cast, but other than that, he looked rather okay.

"Aizawa-sensei! You too?! First [Last Name]-chan, now you! You guys are way too professional!" Kaminari added and Mina nodded at his side, making the older male sigh when he saw you.

"Enough about both of us, the fight against the villains is still not over..." The way he worded it made you guys feel like the villains were still waiting to attack. All of you were on the edge of your seats when he said the next sentence.

"The UA Sports Festival is taking place in a few weeks."

That's the third time!! The third time this guy's given you all a near heart attack! Why can't he just make announcements normally?!

"Wait! Is it really okay to hold the festival when the villains just attacked?" Iida questioned and the ravenette teacher couldn't help but sigh, "Yes, it's fine. UA will be tripling its security. In a way, it's to show the public that the villains aren't that big of a problem, we will still deal with things normally."

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