049. booby trap this shit

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The group walk towards a run down building.

"Cleo, do you actually know where you're going?" JJ asks.

"We can hole up here." She points to the building. "It ain't the Taj Mahal, but..."

"It'll do." John B says.

"I get the biggest room." Cleo says, the group going to the building. They make sure to hide as Singh's men are searching the area. They stay hidden until they can make it to the stairs and go up them.

"You sure this is safe?" John B asks.

"You got a better idea?" Cleo retorts. "We can stay here. It's an old hotel. Terrance and I squatted here before."

"Five stars." JJ comments.

"Watch your step." Cleo says as Erin yanks Sarah back to prevent her from stepping in the hole. "Massive sinkhole."

"Oh. Home sweet home." Sarah remarks.

"We gotta get Brooklyn out, guys. Does anyone have anything?" JJ asks.

"Well, we can't storm the fort. We can't call the cops." Pope says.

"It's not helping, Pope." JJ says.

"We can't even negotiate. We don't know what they want." Pope says. "It's got to be about the cross or the gold."

"Mm-mm. Guys like Singh, it's always about money." Cleo says.

~ ~ ~

It's later, most of the group managing to fall asleep. JJ is still sitting and trying to come up with some sort of plan.

"You all right?" Zack asks, sitting next to his brother.

"I'm fine." JJ mutters, chewing on his thumbnail.

"You sure? You're seeming pretty freaked out." Zack comments.

"Zack, I'm fine." JJ states.

"Right." Zack mumbles. "I just... I know that if it was Erin who got kidnapped, uh... I'd be pretty all over the place."

"That's not what this is about, all right? This has jack shit to do with any feelings if that's what you're getting at." JJ says.

"Mm-hmm. Yeah, you're making that very obvious." Zack remarks.

"Just shut up, man." JJ grumbles, lying down and facing away from his brother.

"Yeah, all right, I get the hint." Zack says, walking off and going back to sleep by Erin.


The next morning, Brooklyn is sitting on the edge of the bed, chewing on her thumbnail. She looks over the end of the bed, Rafe still asleep on the floor. She quietly sighs before getting up and quietly going over to the window. She pushes the sheer curtains aside and taps on the window.

"Hey! Hey." She whispers to the guard outside. "I need to talk to Mr. Singh. Hey, go get Mr. Singh." She ends up waking Rafe up.

"What are you doing?" Rafe asks.

"Hey, you! I need to talk to Mr. Singh." Brooklyn tells the guard as she knocks on the window.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up." Rafe gets up, going over to her. "Hey. What are you doing?"

"Like I owe you an explanation -- or anything." Brooklyn glares at him. She walks over to the door.

"Think for a second! Brooke, what are you doing?" Rafe questions.

Brooklyn hits her palm against the door.

"Hello?" She calls out.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Rafe asks, rushing over to her.

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