059. escape

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"Have one of them called?" Sarah asks.

"Have you heard from them?" Pope asks.

"No. Nothing." John B says.

"We have to go. We don't have eight hours." Sarah says. "And Topper might've already called the police."

"Okay, okay, I'll call them." John B says.

"Okay." Sarah says.

"Wait. That might be Zack and Erin right there." Cleo says, pointing out the bike. As it gets closer, the group notice three people on it, realizing it's not their friends.

The tires screech as the driver stops and takes off his helmet, revealing Rafe.

"Hey. You're okay, dad, Uncle Patrick." Rafe assures. "You're okay, guys. Come on. You're good." Ward and Patrick both fall off the bike, yelling out in pain.

"Hey. Hey, dad, Uncle Patrick. Hey, come on. You're okay." Rafe tries to help his dad up first. "You're okay. Come on, help!" He tells the group, mostly Sarah and Brooklyn. "Help!" Rafe takes the helmets off the two men. "Don't just stand there. I need some help, please, come on. You got it. Keep coming." He encourages his dad.

"Come on, come on, you got it." Rafe tells his dad, slowly helping him up. "Please! Please! Come on." Sarah finally relents and rushes over, helping Rafe get their dad up.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Let's go on the plane." Rafe says. "You're good. Fisherman spotted them, all right? They know they're alive. We gotta get him off the island right now. Brooklyn, get your freaking dad." He orders.

Brooklyn looks over at Patrick who is trying to sit up, groaning in pain. She feels her heart start to speed up as she considers what to do. She only ends up stumbling back into JJ who rests his hands on her arms.

"Hey. Hey, you're okay." He whispers, gently squeezing her arms. As much as he would love to pummel Rafe and Patrick for what they've done to her, he knows she'll benefit from him sticking by her more.

"I got you. I got you." Rafe tells his dad. "I got you, come on." He helps him into the plane.

"Shit, this cannot be happening." Sarah says, going into the plane.

"No. Hell, no." Pope disagrees. "We can't. We're not getting on a plane with them. No way! Hell, no!"

"I'm with Pope on this one." JJ says.

"Are we still going?" Cleo asks.

Sarah and Rafe get off the plane and go to Patrick.

"Come on. I got you." Rafe tells Patrick, the two helping him up. "Come on."

Brooklyn leans into JJ more as she watches her cousins help her dad onto the plane, the boy wrapping an arm around her chest, rubbing her shoulder.

Soon Sarah gets off the plane.

""Don't worry, he's not coming"?" Cleo remarks.

"He wasn't supposed to. Neither of them were." Sarah says. "I told you." She walks over to John B. "They stay on this island, they get arrested."

"I don't think you understand. I don't know if I can get on a plane with those guys." John B tells her.

"This is his plane. I can't stop him from leaving. But he will still give us a ride to Orinoco, so if you don't wanna get on the plane, I get it. We'll find another way." Sarah promises.

"There's no other way." John B says. "Let's go. If you're going, I'm going. It's you and me. Let's get on the plane. Come on, we're getting on the plane. We gotta go."

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