061. secret of the gnomon

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"That site's a whole day's walk. We gotta get up there before moonrise." Big John says. "If we miss the solstice, then all this was for nothing. So, listen, Sarah, Brooklyn, I'm telling you right now, if you fall behind, I ain't waiting. I ain't!"

"Dad. Stop!" John B hisses.

"What? I ain't. It's a matter of fact." Big John says.

"Sorry about the cranky old man." John B apologizes, walking over to the two girls.

"I'm gonna go tell those sons of bitches they ain't coming." Big John says, starting to walk over to the two Cameron brothers.

"Dad, hey." John B tries to call.

"Hey, listen, fellas. I'm real sorry, but, uh... I'm not gonna be able to make it up that mountain, not on this leg." Ward says.

"Yeah, me neither." Patrick says.

"We'd be slowing you down, that's all. So we're just gonna hang here. Tell you what, I got a flare gun. If I see Singh come through here, I'll send up a flare. Let you all know he's coming. Least I can do."

"Thank you." Sarah tells him.

"You're welcome. Good luck."


They're still trekking through the forest, Big John being faster than the three teens.

"Come on, kids. Pick it up! I don't got time to waste." Big John scolds.

The three teens continue to follow him, each helping each other up hills and across rocks.

~ ~ ~

"JJ, you were right. That's Singh and his men." Cleo says, watching the boat pass. "But they're not looking for us."

"Yeah, they're moving real quick." JJ says. His heart drops when he realizes who will be in trouble. "They're looking for John B, Sarah, and Brookie. They're gonna know where they're headed. We gotta go. They're gonna need us." He starts the engine. He refuses to let anything else happen to Brooklyn.

~ ~ ~

"Come on!" Big John calls out. John B trips and almost falls.

"Hey. Are you good?" Sarah asks.

"Yeah." He says.

"Let's get a move on!"

"Hey, pop. How about we take a breather, you know?" John B suggests.

"How about not? Come on, boy." Big John remarks. "You're all slowing me down. We're losing light."

"I can't take this anymore." John B mutters.

"It's the only shot we got. Come on."

"Hey! Hey." John B goes up to his dad, the cousins keeping their distance. "For 30 seconds, can you stop being an asshole?"

"Thirty seconds? I've been on this trail my whole life, boy, and we are on the cusp. And I got Ward and Patrick Cameron, who tried to kill me, nipping at my heels. Their daughters spying on me."

"You think they're spying on you?"

"Are you really so sure about her? About either of them? A Cameron. That whole family is trust challenged, and you know that."

"You think they know we can hear them?" Brooklyn quietly asks.

"He doesn't seem like the type to care." Sarah says, panting for air.

"You can stay back here and babysit your girlfriend and her little cousin. It's your choice."

"I'm only, like, a month younger." Brooklyn mutters.

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