054. boys and girls

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Brooklyn gets to JJ and Zack's house, stopping a few feet away. She spots the Twinkie in the yard which bums her a little since she wanted to get JJ alone.

Taking a deep breath, the blonde goes towards the house and opens the screen door to the porch, finding the three teenage boys on the couch.

"Hey." Brooklyn awkwardly waves.

"Hey." Zack nods.

"Could, uh... could I talk to JJ? Alone." Brooklyn says.

"Ye-yeah. Sure." Zack nods.

"Wha--" JJ mutters.

"Have fun." Zack says.

"But--" John B starts to protest.

"We can keep brainstorming." Zack says, pulling John B to his feet and dragging him to the yard.

"What, uh... what's up?" JJ asks, scratching the back of his neck.

"We-- I, uh..." Brooklyn stammers. "I just, um... we should talk."

"About what?" JJ asks, playing with his hat.

"Us." Brooklyn says.

"U-us?" JJ asks.

"Look, I just-- I was at a party on the Mase and-- and I got drunk and I was with Cam and--"

"Wh-- wait, wait, Cam? As-- as in the ex-boyfriend who tried to roofie you Cam?" JJ questions.

"I-- ye-yeah. Yes." She nods.

"Brooklyn, what the fuck?"

"We didn't do anything. I-- I only went because Sarah went, okay? It had nothing to do with him. And that-- that's not the entire point. I... when I was drunk, he-- I was considering it. Kissing him and... and being a complete idiot, but-- but I didn't do anything. I couldn't. Because... because he wasn't you."

"Sorry?" JJ squints, shrugging.

"No, that--" Brooklyn huffs, rolling her eyes. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I-- I'm trying to--"

"Yeah, okay. Look, we-- JB kinda needs us right now. And we just--"

"Would you just--"

"Life or death shit, you know?" JJ starts to leave.


"No, I'm serious, B, it--"

"I'm trying to tell you I fucking love you, idiot!" She snaps. She takes a breath after a moment, wincing. That was not at all how she wanted to tell him.

JJ is frozen, his back to her, his hands hovering over the door. He glances up, noticing his brother and John B get inside the Twinkie.


"I gotta go." JJ opens the screen door and quickly goes to the Twinkie.

Brooklyn sighs, watching John B drive off after JJ gets in the van.


"Walk us through it one more time." JJ says.

"Okay, right there." John B points to South America. "That's where they're taking him. That's the site of the idol."

"You just pointed to just South America, you understand that, right?" JJ asks.

"Yep." John B nods.

The twins share a look.

"That's all you know? That he's somewhere in South America?" Zack asks.

"Listen, that's why we're going to the professor's house." John B states. "Look, he was at the site."

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