•45•: Most Likely To...?

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We were invited on the show by Jimmy Kimmel to talk about our newest album and our life.

I sat between Zayn and Louis with my legs crossed to look appropriately, listening to Jimmy talk.

"I wanna ask some questions. I want to find out who is most likely to do 'blank', I'll fill in the blank." He spoke.

Me and the guys all nodded our heads understandingly.

"Who's most likely to forget lyrics uhh... during a show?" Jimmy asked. I quickly pointed to the person in front, where Liam is currently sitting.

"Liam." I replied, turning my head towards Liam.

"Yeah, sometimes I'll be caught reading someone's sign, you'll start to sing what's on the sign." Liam explained. People in the audience laughed.

"Which of you is most likely to have an accident on stage?" He questioned. The boys all turned their heads towards me even Jimmy.

"Ariana!" the audience shouted.

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"By accident you mean falling on stage? Cause that would be me. I'm the most clumsy one out of all of them." I answered, smiling at the crowd.

"You know. Fans would make compilations of Ariana falling on stage and post it on YouTube. The most hilarious part is when Ariana isn't around, we would all watch it together." Louis commented, making people in the audience roar with laughter. "That is true." Harry grinned.

I stared at them, playfully rolled my eyes. I really didn't know that's what they do when I'm not around.

Jimmy continued with the questions.

"Who is most likely to let a partner spilt the band apart?" Jimmy asked. I didn't know how to answer the question. So I just stayed quiet.

"We've never really had that problem." Harry responded, the rest of us agreeing. "Actually, one time Niall wrote a song about Liam's girlfriend." Harry added. I started laughing with the audience.

"Why would you say that?" Niall remarked, now embarrassed.

"You make like a joke about something but everyone takes it really seriously." Liam said, whispering.

I cleared my throat while listening to them talk.

"I said it as a joke that I wrote the songs on our new album about Liam's girlfriend." Niall implied.

"Oh! That was a joke!" Jimmy asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, yeah. It's a joke." Louis and I say in sync.

The crowd cheered.

"It was taken very seriously." Niall nods his head.

"Was it really or are you just saying it's a joke cause you're on tv?" Jimmy speculated.

Niall jokingly got up from the couch but came back.

"Who's most likely to get bald first?" He asked. Niall immediately laughed.

Harry raised his hand and shrugged.

"You'll look good bald Harry." I smiled at him. He gave me a thumbs up.

"Maybe, but not right now." He smiled back.

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