-93-: Alexandria's birth

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Ariana's POV

After the epidural set in, I'd fallen asleep. I was woken up a couple hours later to push since I was dilated fully. The doctors were getting some backup and a couple of ventilators for our little girl when she's first born. Harry, Anne and I were talking about what would be different and what would be the same when she arrives.

She even gave us tips on how to deal with certain phases like teething. In the middle of one conversation, I started to feel pain, it wasn't dull, it felt like before Harry arrived type contractions. I squeezed Harry's hand and tried to get through it.

"Hey, are you okay!" Harry asked worriedly.

Before I could shake my head no, the
remaining doctors came in.

"The epidural must be wearing off." The head doctor said. "Don't worry this us normal and happens a lot more then you think. Are you needing to push at all?"

I nodded quickly as a nurse sat in front of me giving me approval. I took a deep breath and pushed.

"Tuck your chin into your chest, it'll help the process."

I nodded and tucked my chin into my chest, Harry took his hand and switched it with his free hand to support my head while I pushed. I squeezed his hand as I felt me making progress. After the contraction, the doctors put my legs up in stirrups for the next push. Anne came next to me on my right to give me extra support.

"Okay on the next contraction, give us a really big push. Can you do that?"

I nodded only to be hit with a ton of pain all at once. I screamed out and squeezed both Anne's and a Harry's hand as it increased.

"I'm gonna need you to be as quiet as you can. Tuck your chin into your chest. The harder you push the quicker your baby will be out." The nurse said.

I tucked my chin into my chest and screamed pushed through my teeth. The doctors had pushed my legs a bit further back to move the process along. Even though the pain increased more, I was able to stop screaming and focus more on pushing.

"Good job baby, just keep pushing. We're gonna have one of our little girls out in no time. Keep going you got this, baby girl." Harry whispered in my ear and kissed my head.

"Okay, we see the head. There's gonna be a burning sensation, that's the ring of fire and that's when your baby's head is coming out. I'll need you to push as hard as you can through it."
The nurse said as others were getting ready to bring the first baby girl over to the ventilator.

As the pain came again, I tucked my chin into my chest and pushed through it. I let go of Anne's hand to grip the bar beside me, then let go of Harry's hand to grip the top of the bed to push.

"The heads coming out. I just need small pants for the chin, then you can take a break. You're doing well."

I did small little pants as the rest of the head slipped out. I released my grip on the bar and bed, then started to shake.

"You're doing extremely well, Ariana." Anne said, giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Harry kissed the back of my hand and wiped the hair off my face as he put it into a loose bun.

"Once the little girl is delivered, she's gonna be taken right to be out in the ventilator. She's not gonna cry at first cause she won't be able to use her lungs on her own, but we're gonna do our best to get her breathing as quickly as possible." The nurse reassured me. "You're doing great. One more push like you've been doing and you're gonna be a mama."

Once the contraction started, I started to push. It didn't take a ton of hard pushing as the first girl slid out as the cord was cut and quickly taken to the ventilator.

Anne, Harry and I were all crying since Alexandria was finally here. The little baby girl were bring to the NICU for more assistance. We got birth certificates for our newborn daughter as we waited to see them.

*a couple hours later.*

After a couple hours, Harry and I got to see Alexandria. Harry rolled me down to the NICU as he followed a nurse. There were quite a few new parents spending time with their baby's. The two girls were breathing softly as they were incubated together. I started to tear up.

"Let one of us know if you need anything. You can put her into some clothes to keep her warm as well. Though I bribe you're just wanting to admire her now?"

"Yeah. Also could I have a chair?" Harry asked and the nurse brought him one.

I stuck my hand into in of the holes and our daughter grabbed my finger with her little hand.

"Hi, little love." I sniffled and the infant stirred. "You remember my voice? I'm mama."

"Welcome to the world Alexandria Victoria" Harry said sniffling.

We soon got a nurse to lift them out so Harry and I could put them into some clothes. I dressed Alexandria. The sleeper were a bit big on her, but she seemed to like it.

The little girl looked around at her surroundings.

The tubes in her nose was to give her air to support her breathing. She was soon put back into the incubator where Harry put his hand on the little girl's head and rubbed it with his thumb.

I was wheeled back to the room where Anne was getting things organized for the trip home. Even though I was going home, Alexandria couldn't since they were too small to be off of air.

"Did you get a picture for grandma?" Anne asked.

"You bet we did, mum." Harry smiled as he helped me onto the hospital bed.

"So..... how does the first seconds of parenthood feel?"

"I'm already exhausted." I joked.

"Here's what she looks like." Harry pulled up a picture of the twins and showed it to Anne.

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