•61•: the fans start to ship Ariana with Harry

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I scrolled on my phone while laying down on my bed. I just got back from tour and visited my parents.

I decided to go check on twitter.

@Arianafanaccount: @ArianaGrande I hope you're doing okay. I love you so much ❤️

I smiled, replying to their tweet. I continued to reply to fan tweets when suddenly a tweet caught my eye.

@ArianaandHarry: You cannot tell me that they're not dating. Just look at this video of them being adorable on stage:

I furrowed my eyebrows but pressed the video.
The video:

We are on stage. Harry came up to me while I sang my part in our song.

Harry sang his part in the song, making eye contact with me and playing a hair strand out of my face.

"Let me kiss you." He sang, smiling at me.

The video ended. My face heated up. I knew that I can't date someone from the band, but I just can't help but have feelings for Harry.

The way he tries to make me laugh. His beautiful green eyes. His singing voice. I mean who wouldn't fall in love with him?

I checked the comments. Some people started shipping us. But others didn't like Harry for me.

I turned off my phone, and went downstairs to grab a snack.

While I was eating my phone suddenly rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw Harry's name. I didn't hesitate to accept the call.

I put the phone on speaker, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Hey Haz, what's up?" I wondered, words muffled.

"Umm.. Can I come visit you there?" He asked over the phone.

"Of course. But why?" I asked, wiping my hands with a tissue.

"Just wanted to visit you. Plus I miss you." He chuckled. I smiled.

"Harry, we just got back from tour 3 days ago and you already miss me?" I teased.

I heard him laugh on the other side of the phone.

Harry was the closest one to my home. Just an hour drive, so he'd visit me when he has free time.

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