-102-: Alexandria gets sick

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Ariana was awake the majority of the night with Alexandria crying and clutching her stomach.

She was refusing to eat and drink all day yesterday. All she ate was half of a banana and a little apple juice. Ariana was convinced she was coming down with something but Ariana wasn't exactly sure. Harry and Ariana had both decided to wait till morning to see if it was just a bellyache. She was awoken by small, quiet whimpers beside her. After Alexandria not being able to sleep, once she finally did get her to sleep, she was worried, so she just kept her in between her and Harry.

Ariana turned to face Alexandria, and her usual tan skin that mirrored Harry's looked pale white and she looked ill.

"Hi honey. How are you feeling?" Ariana asked and she shook her head before the tears started to leak out. "We're going to get you all better. okay?" Alexandria nodded and Ariana shook Harry to wake him up.

"We need to take her to the doctor," Ariana said and he shot out of bed instantly.

"We'll leave in ten minutes," Ariana pulled on clothes while Alexandria lay on your bed waiting on her while Harry was installing the car seat into his car since it was in there. Alexandria started to move and sit up and then it happened.

The little banana she had eaten yesterday came back up along with the little fluid she had taken in. She started to dry heave as her stomach was empty and Ariana took her into her arms.

"You're okay, darling. Mummy has you," Ariana cradled her in her arms as she sobbed into Ariana's chest and she tried to comfort her by stroking her head lightly and kissing the top of it, whispering soothing words to her. This helped to put her mind at rest, she definitely only had a stomach bug, but she'd still take her to the doctor's to be checked out.

"I's sorry Mama, I done that to bed," Ariana shook her head and smiled lightly.

"Don't be silly Lexi. Mama can clean up," She nodded slightly.
"Hi, I called about my daughter. You said you could take her at 10am?" Harry said to the receptionist with Alexandria in his arms and she nodded smiling.

"Of course, the doctor should be out in a couple of minutes," Ariana and Harry nodded before taking a seat.

"Mama," Alexandria said quietly reaching her arms out to Ariana. She took her from Harry and kissed her lightly before she reached back towards Harry saying 'daddy'.

This continued for a couple of minutes until the doctor shouted her name and Ariana carried her through to the examination room with Harry following. There was no doubt they both looked sleep deprived, and Alexandria looked sick, but Ariana didn't care how she looked. All she cared about was getting Alexandria taken care of.
"Okay Alexandria, I'm going to see how hot or cold you are, okay?" Dr. Gomez said and Alexandria nodded small in Harry's arms seeing as she had switched again. The doctor put the thermometer into her ear and waited for the beep.

"Okay, so she does have a high temperature but I wouldn't be too worried. It's simply just a stomach bug. I'm going to give her a prescription for something to stop the nausea. It should just pass, but I will give you antibiotics to get rid of it quicker, and also the medicine for the nausea will help her sleep. Also, if you can make sure she's eating at least three snacks a day and drinking at least one litre of water, the flu should be flushed out of her within a couple of days," he said typing on his computer and Harry looked over at Ariana relieved.

Ariana took the prescription of Dr. Gomez and smiled thankfully. "I hope you feel better soon Alexandria," Alexandria just looked at the doctor before nodding on Harry's shoulder.

"Fanks," Ariana smiled at their daughter and her manners before going to the pharmacy and picking up her prescription. Ariana just felt terrible that their baby girl was sick and there wasn't anything that she could do. Just wait until she's better...

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