-136-: Welcome home (July 2019)

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"Are you excited?" Harry asked Ariana as she was pulling on Dylan's little hat. She was let out of the hospital at 9am the day after Dylan was born seeing as there was no abnormal bleeding and Dylan was absolutely perfect.

"I am, I can't wait," Harry had set up the nursery in the house, but he hadn't put as much effort into Dylan's as he had Alexandria's. And she just didn't know why.

"Let's get home then," he smiled. Ariana nodded as she strapped Dylan into the car seat and Harry picked it up.

"Are you ready to go home Dyl? Huh? You get to see your big sister again," Harry cooed at the small baby making Ariana smile. Outside the hospital, there were multiple paparazzi trying to get the first 'press snap' of Dyl but Ariana had draped a blanket over the car seat.

Harry secured the car seat into his Range Rover and then helped Ariana climb into the back seat of the car.
"Harry where are we going? We should have been home by now," Ariana said as he drove up to a private street with a secured gate.

"It's a surprise baby. We'll be there in about 40 seconds," he smiled as he pulled up to the gate and entered a code. Ariana had figured thathe was maybe taking her to one of his friends houses or maybe Anne got a new house and they were going to pick up Alexandria. But Anne told Ariana that she would meet them at the house with her.

Harry indicated and stopped at another gate and entered in a passcode. Ariana seen the massive house behind him and Anne's car parked outside.

"When did your mom move to London?" Ariana asked and he looked at her confusingly.

"What do you mean babe?" Ariana gestured to the car and the house.

"When did she move?" He chuckled and helped Ariana get out of the car after he had gotten Dylan out.

"She hasn't," he went silent at that moment and smiled as he led Ariana over to the house. "Welcome home, my love," he smirked as he opened the door revealing an incredibly beautiful, huge house.

"What the hell Harry, you can't just go out and buy houses when we have babies. I think I'm going to faint holy shit I need to sit down," Ariana whimpered and he led her over to the stairs.

"Baby, you need to calm down. I've been putting money away every month for this. I seen it and knew it was you all over the back and I knew you and I would both love it. It's great for the kids, and you should see the master bedroom," he winked, kissing Ariana's shoulder and she chuckled, shaking her head.

"You're crazy Styles, you know that?" Ariana whispered.

"Crazy in love with you Mrs. Styles," Ariana smiled and kissed him before standing up slowly.

"Where's my princess? I need a hug," he smiled and led Ariana into the sitting room where Alexandria and Anne were laying on the sofa cuddled up watching Cinderella.

"Can mama, daddy and Dylan join?" Ariana whispered quietly and Alexandria's face contorted into a face-splitting grin.

"Mama! Daddy! I missed you both. You too Dylan," she untangled herself from Anne and whispered to the tiny boy in the car seat.

"Should we have a cuddle baby?" Ariana whispered and she nodded.

Ariana slowly made her way to the sofa and sat down. Alexandria plopped herself on Ariana's lap and she winced slightly. Harry noticed and went to open his mouth but she shook her head. Ariana didn't want to upset Alexandria, and the pain was gone when you looked at the girl in her lap. Their daughter that Ariana felt was just born yesterday.

"How do you like the new house?" Ariana whispered to Alexandria.

"I like it a lot. And it has a swimming pool, mama! I no seen it but Gramma Anne said its huge!" Ariana looked up at Harry and he smiled nervously. Ariana laughed and shook her head at him.

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