-166-: Telling Harry's family

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Upon arrival, Ariana  already had her sonogram picture in hand. She knows for sure that Anne and Gemma will both freak out about it. They will be happy and excited about the baby. But one important detail is they think this is just a visit for the weekend.

Harry neglected to tell them that the two of them had news that she wanted to share with them. So when they arrive, Gemma was the first to run out and practically tackle Ariana to the ground she was holding you tightly and squeezing her.

"I haven't seen wither of you since forever! How was Madrid?"

"It was amazing, but Gems, you're suffocating Ariana." She looks at Ariana's face before letting go. She takes a couple deep breaths before smiling at her.

"Better watch out for mum then she's got a death grip." he laughs cutely before he sees her run out of the house. She goes for Ariana but he catches her first and hugs her. "Mum, we want to talk to you guys."

"Yes, yes, of course come on, I'm making  Ariana's favorite." she beams and drags him inside. Ariana loves Anne's homemade pizza and she loves extra sauce. Well, they go in and of course you all eat but Ariana immediately gets heartburn.

She holds her chest and breaths deeply for a couple minutes before Anne notices.

"Ariana, are you okay?"

"Just heartburn."

"That peculiar she never gets heartburn from your pizza mum? Did you do something different."

"No I made it the way I always do."

"I'm gonna get you some antacid tablets." Anne says before standing and going to the bathroom. When she returns, Ariana chews on them softly though it just gets worse. "better"

"Not really."

"Maybe we should take her to a doctor."

"No she is gonna be alright she is just pregnant, it's normal."


"She's pregnant again."

"Oh my god!"  They all shout and Ariana smile. "This is so awesome! I'm gonna be a grandma again!"

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