•68•: Harry admits his feelings for Ariana

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Lately Harry has been acting strange around Ariana. He just wasn't his usual playful self around her anymore. He just seems like he's been on edge lately. She just doesn't think that it's work related and she honestly thinks that it's personal. She just has no idea what she did for him to treat her the way that he was.

Harry was in town and Ariana had invited him to come over and spend time with her. She just didn't want to make it obvious that she wanted to talk to him. She wanted to make the atmosphere calm and relaxing like it was before. She cooked his favorite meal. Then, she had picked up a lot of snacks and ice cream to enjoy throughout the day, her Netflix ready whenever her and Harry are ready for a movie. Harry finally arrived it and she got the door for him.

"Harry, hi. How are you?" Ariana asked, excited to see him.

"I'm well, beautiful." Harry says as he hugs her and walks in.

"I'm glad you're here to hang out with me. It's just been so long." Ariana says sincerely because she just missed Harry.

"It has. I'm all yours today. And you're all mine today. Nobody else is coming over today, right?" Harry asked her honestly.

"Nope. Just me and you today. Why do you say it like that?" Ariana asked him, confused.

"It's just that I don't really feel like being bothered today. And I just really want to hang with only you today since we haven't in such a long time." Harry says to Ariana honestly.

"I feel the same way. Today, me and you are going to relax and have fun doing so. So come on, let's chill by the pool. I made is daiquiris. Let's swim first and then eat." Ariana said with a smile while grabbing Harry's hand to lead him outside.

She was taking off her pool dress and revealing her bikini body. Harry then strips to his trunks and jumps into the pool and she soon jumps in too. They both swim and play around like big kids. She was just so happy to see him relaxed finally but more importantly, seeing him enjoying her company.

That was all that she really wanted and doing this was really what they both needed. After they both enjoyed the pool, they both got hungry. So they both finished swimming and went back into Ariana's house and got changed.

Ariana went to her room to shower and got changed and Harry went to her guest room to do the same. She got changed and dressed before Harry so she can warm up the food for the both of them.

Harry came out 10 minutes later just when Ariana had put the plates down so they can both sit and eat together.

"Everything looks delicious." Harry says sitting down.

"Thanks. I wanted to cook for you some of your favorites. A nice home cooked meal." She says with a smile.

They both sit down and eat and actually had a good conversation. After they both ate, Ariana suggested to watch movies or play Uno with her. They both decided on Uno and played 10 games. They both were having so much fun and she beat Harry more times than he beat her.

Ariana laid back on the couch comfortable and Harry joined her. They both sat in silence for a minute until she broke it.

"I'm glad you're here." Ariana said turning to face him.

"You say that like you haven't seen me in ages besides the fact that we're on a break from tour." Harry says.

"I know. It's just..." Ariana says as she tries to build up the courage to say what's on her mind.

"What?" Harry asks as he looks into her eyes and trying to read what's on her mind.

"It's just that lately, I've been feeling like you're mad at me for some reason. Like I don't know. It's just like you have some passive aggressiveness towards me and I feel hurt about it because I don't know what I did to make you feel the way the way you do. We don't seem as close as we once were." Ariana says finally confessing to Harry. Harry broke eye contact with her. Then looked back at her.

"No, I never meant for you to feel like that. I was just... never mind. The point is, it's not that I'm mad at you or anything. I know what's you're taking about but..." He says, trying to make sense.

"But why doesn't it seem like you were upset with me for so long. What did I do?" Ariana asked, cutting him off.

"It had all started when we were at Nick's house and you were cozied up with that guy Big Sean. I saw y'all kissing and it just bothered me by seeing that. And then, every time we hang out, it was always other people and when I'd need to vent to you or I just want to enjoy your company, we were always interrupted. I want you and only you. I've been on edge lately because I don't know how to tell you how I feel about you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship or ruin the chances of turning us into something more than friends because of how you felt about Big Sean. And I didn't think that you feel the same about me. That's the truth." Harry says as he puts his head down.

"Harry, I'm not involved with Big Sean. That night, you didn't see me that Sean kissed me. Sean likes me and that night, he wanted to express that for some reason but I don't like him like that and only as a friend... I've always had feelings for you. I just thought that you only saw me as a friend and nothing more. Plus, I'm not a model and I'm not skinny, I have boobs, I have hips and thighs and—" Ariana rambled on and was suddenly cute off by a sweet kiss by Harry. He broke away from the kiss.

"All of those flaws you think you have are all the things that I love about you and make you perfect." He says with one hand still cupped my cheek. "So where does this leave us? Where do we stand?" Ariana asked as she looked into Harry's emerald eyes.

"It starts right here and right now. Just me and you. I want to take things slow. I want to show you and give you my all. I just want to show you that I'm worth the risk." Harry says to Ariana sincerely. Ariana kisses him to confirm that she agrees with everything that he was saying.

After they finished talking, both of them just cuddled up and watched a movie.

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