-173-: First week alone

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Ariana's POV

The first day I woke up and didn't see Harry in bed I was devistated. I'd gotten up and went to work. It was only half way through the week and I was still down in the dumps.

Every day Harry would text me saying that the show was running late or that he was passed out by the time he'd gotten to the hotel room. I told him that it was ok, but in reality it wasn't. I'm pretty sure he knew that, but it's just hard.

Having Harry away this late into my pregnancy was taking a toll on me. So much that I went back to my old habits. I'd binge eat, then force myself to throw up, or if I felt like it I wouldn't eat at all.

Day by day baby hood was less active. I just thought that it was because I was getting close to my due date, but I quickly learned that it wasn't the case. I was at work when it happened. I was feeling light headed, it wasn't normal for me to pass out. My boss got me some water but it didn't seem to help since I would just throw it back up.

"Ari, are you eating healthy. Or are you even eating?" Liz came up to me as I held my head in my hands.

"Yeah I'm eating. I just can't keep anything down." I coughed.

"That's completely normal. But what your experiencing isn't. We should put you on liquids."

"Liz, I'm fine. It'll pass." I got up and fainted.

I don't know how much time had passed but I eventually woke up. I was on a hospital bed with an IV in my hand.

"Ariana, you said you were eating. What happened?" My boss asked, checking up on me.

"Well I wasn't lying."

"Did Harry have to go somewhere and you couldn't go along?"

"Yeah. The band is going on a little mini tour for a couple of months. I relapsed." I exhaled.

"The stress is just getting to me."

"I'll send you home early. You can go on maternity leave sooner."


"You should tell Harry that you relapsed. I know it may be hard to do since he's somewhere around the world, but first me it'll be better for you, Harry and most importantly the baby."

"Thanks. I'll start eating in front of him without going to the bathroom straight afterwards."  I smiled only slightly terrified of Harry's reaction.
*at home*

I walked through the door. I looked at my phone to see Harry's text. The show that he was performing tonight was gonna be set earlier than usual. But then right after the band was to go straight to their hotel rooms and go to sleep. I sighed. I just needed to talk to Harry, I needed to see him, I needed to hear his voice and to tell me that everything was gonna be ok. I debated telling him that I'd relapsed, but I decided against it and just tell him that I was gonna be in bed early since work tired me out. I walked into the kitchen when my phone rang. It was Harry. I answered it.

"Hey Haz, what's up? How's the tour coming along?" I raged the fridge and grabbed the pickle jar.

"It's going quite smoothly. The shows have all been successful. I've just missed the sound of your voice. And I know that I said that we wouldn't be able to talk but, I broke the 'going to bed straight away' rule." I heard Harry sigh on the other end.

"I've been needing to hear your voice too, Haz. I also need to tell you something."

"Oh? Did you open the envelope? Or is it something else?"

"It's something else. I..... I uhhhhhh. I've relapsed. For the past couple of days I've been binge eating and making myself throw up, or I haven't been eating at all. I'm so sorry."

"Hey it's okay, darling. You're not perfect and it's ok to slip up every once and a while. We'll go through this together."

"Thanks, baby. I'm also on maternity leave. My boss thought it might be a good idea since I'm basically almost to the finishing point of pregnancy it would be best to do so."

"Okay. So that means we can talk more? And for longer?!" Harry seemed very excited.

"Yep. Definitely. Also I think that Toulouse will also enjoy my company around the house."

"Okay, I should go to sleep. We have to do an early morning  rehearsal and interviews and all that fun stuff. Love you, our kids and baby Styles. Goodnight."

"Goodnight baby. Try and have a good nights sleep. I love you too." I hung up the phone.

I opened the jar of pickles and picked one of them up. They were the sliced ones, and for some reason, pickles were the only thing I liked. Before pregnancy I would have a few here and there but now it's the only thing I'll eat. Harry has to pry them away from me. Harry has also made the decision of becoming a vegetarian. The only thing other than 'non vegetarian foods' in the house would be ice cream, pork and hotdogs.

I ate all I could before starting to feel nauseous. I drank some water before getting ready for bed.

When I went upstairs to get ready I felt a burning sensation approach. I quickly walked to the bathroom as I kneeled in front of the toilet and started to throw up. Barely anything came up. I realized that I should put my worried aside and start eating more. That would explain the size of baby Styles. I went back downstairs and made myself a sandwich. Once I finished, I made myself a couple more. I ended up finishing the bag of bread before going upstairs. Back upstairs I sat on the bed and Toulouse jumped up onto the bed. He cuddled closely as I soon dozed off to sleep.

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