Cassie's House (7)

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I asked to spend a night at Cassie's house and of course it was fine. Mostly because it was Saturday tomorrow and my parents were too lazy to pick me up from her house after the party. (TBH I wasn't mad because that sounds like something I would do).

"So, who did you see on the dance floor?" Cassie asked coming from the kitchen and into the living room with lays for her and animal crackers for me.

"False alarm," I answered, taking a couple crackers and stuffing them in my mouth at the same time just in case she asks me another question so I'll have time to chew, swallow and think.

"Then why did it take you so long to come back? I was debating on whether or not to come look for you,"

I held up my finger motioning her to hold on.

Chew. Think. Swallow. Think.

"I was walking around for a little trying to find them because I didn't want to give up early," I started, popping a just one in my mouth this time. "But no luck so when I finally gave up I came back once I went on a little potty break."

How exactly was I suppose to tell her I didn't listen to the little voice inside to not wander and find Zac. Especially since I had this unexplainable feeling at the moment about him. Luckily she let it go and didn't ask me anymore about it.

"Leaving me to find someone else who didn't even exist," she shook her head. "I came to that party because of you, you're lucky Aaron was entertaining me while you were gone,"

"He probably wasn't that entertaining, unless you're becoming like one of those lame asses that geek over the football players,"

"Hey!" She yelled throwing a pillow. "I get immunity from that because Aaron is actually my friend,"

"Soon to be boyfriend you mean?" I smiled.

"No, don't want to take away your dream boy,"


"I know you like those strong, built, good-looking men,"

"Key word men," I pointed out. "And sadly for me, they are no where to be found." Cassie paused for a second. Then nodded her head, "true true."

We both headed upstairs to Cassie's room and turned on the TV. I sat at her desk and she laid on her bed. We had on cartoons because..why not? Who doesn't like cartoons? I dare you to try and name a genre better.

Katelyn, (aka Kate) walked into the room and looked at us then at the TV.
She shook her head. "Children,"

"Bitch," Cassie replied.

"Don't make me come over there,"

"You thought you were my mom, but no dear sister, you came from the same womb I did." She remarked.

"That doesn't mean shit. I'm still older,"

"So? Like I care,"

"Whatever. I came in here to give you 10$ not to snitch," she said holding out money. "I'm going to this party,"



"Deal," Cassie accepted and her sister began to take out 5 extra dollars. Katelyn started to walk out the room but Cassie stopped her in her tracks with probably the most hated words in a deal. "But,"

Kate rolled her eyes and crossed her arms leaning on the doorway. "Ugh, what you roach,"

"No one ever told Amanda she shouldn't snitch," Cassie smiled.

"Don't snitch," Kate said and left the room.

"Come back here!" Cassie yelled but Kate didn't listen to her and closed her door making sure she heard it.

"Tryna make another deal?" I asked.

"Yes! I could've got paid twice,"

"That money would've been mine so I wouldn't tell,"

"Ha," Cassie said and looked her like "are you serious."

"Don't be mad cause you don't have a sibling to get money from,"

"I get money for good grades. From my parents,"

"Good grades?" She said looking at me for a moment. Suddenly she started laughing at the thought. "Silly Amanda, ain't nobody got time for that."

Cassie was an average student, she didn't try too hard, but made sure she at least passed.

"Isn't your sister a senior?"

"Yeah, she's lucky her years almost over. She's always going somewhere though. Mom likes her to stay home more with us cause she's gonna be going off to college soon. She's the exact opposite though. She believes she should enjoy the rest of her years as a high school student,"

"Does she know what college she's gonna go to?"

"Nope, she tells mom it's a surprise but she really doesn't know. She's taking a," she put air quotes around, "leap of faith."

"You should go to parties with her. That solves the quality time problem,"

"Ugh okay," she started, looking at me with her hands under her head supporting it. "First of all, I'm not going to a party full of people that I don't know, and especially not with that animal,"

"Makes sense,"

"Second of all, I just came from a party with my best friend who didn't even hang out with me," she said throwing a pillow.

"I told you I went to pee!" I said throwing the pillow back.

"You're lying to me!" She threw the pillow back at me again.

"No I'm not!" I said getting up and getting read to start hitting her with it. She sensed that this turned into war so he quickly grabbed her second pillow and stood up on the bed.

"Come up here and you will suffer," she said to me. I looked at her for a minute with my pillow held above my head.

I ran up onto the bed yelling.

"You've been warned!" She yelled back and we started hitting each other with pillows, also using them as self defense.

I tripped her using my leg to get her off balance and started beating her over and over with my pillow while she held her pillow over her to soften the blows.

"Okay okay, you win! You win!" She surrendered.


"Those pillows hurt,"

"I know. It's not so fun like in the movies is it?"

She looked at me squinting. Suddenly she tripped me by latching her foot around my ankle. "Ah!"


Should Amanda have told Cassie about her and Zac at the party?


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Hope you enjoy, because it's not over yet!

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