Chapter 7: Months went by

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It's been almost a month since Bella was lost in the woods.

It's been almost a month since Edward left her there, making her think she wasn't enough for him.

Almost a month since Seraphina had found Bella in the woods.

Almost a month since the Cullen's had left the town.

Almost a month since Seraphina had attended school.

Almost a month since Seraphina had left her room in her new 'home'.

Almost a month since Seraphina had said anything to anyone.

Almost a month since both Seraphina and Bella had fall into depression...

When Paul had bought back Seraphina, the very next day when she woke up she asked Sam how was Bella, and when he told her that she was okay.

That was the last time they heard anything from the Nymph.

She would stay in her room all day and would watch the woods with a blank expression, or she would just draw, or read from a book that Billy had found about her kind.

Everyday Paul would walk into her room and left the food, and try to talk with her.

But all she did was to look outside with a blank expression, draw and read.

But he never gave up, nor the others from her.

What no one knew was that every night, after they went to sleep Seraphina would snuck out and run back home, where she would spend the night at her parent's bedroom, crying.

But what she never knew was that one person knew about her sneaking out and going back to her house.

Paul would follow her every night and till the morning he would stay in front of the house just to be sure she was okay.

But she wasn't, she was completely and utterly broken.

But she wasn't, she was completely and utterly broken

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Seraphina finally had the strength to go out of the room and eat with the pack.

She never talked even though everyone tried very hard to make her, she just never did.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now