Chapter 31: Over my dead body

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When they got to the battlefield Seraphina saw a pile of newborn bodies stacked on each other being burned

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When they got to the battlefield Seraphina saw a pile of newborn bodies stacked on each other being burned.

The second she saw her parents, she quickly ran towards them.

"Mom! Dad!"

They quickly grabbed their daughter and the three hugged each other.

"You okay?" Alice asked her looking over her to see any king of injures, but thank god there wasn't.

"I'm okay." She told them.

She then felt something soft next to her and she instantly knew who it was.

She quickly turned towards her mate and hugged him across his huge head.

"I'm so happy you're okay." She breath out into him fur.

He purred as they moved from each other.

Seraphina then looked at the other members from her family and the pack, when her eyes connected with a pair of red terrified ones.

She furrow her brows before she walked towards the young girl with Paul behind her.

Seraphina and Paul reached the young girl, who looked at the Nymph and the wolf scared out of her mind.

Seraphina instantly recognized the girl.

Bree Tanner.

"You're Bree Tanner right?" She asked the young girl softly.

Bree looked at the older girl and nodded her head "Y-Y-Yes."

Seraphina smiled softly at her "My name is Seraphina Cullen and this is my mate Paul Lahote." She introdused them as she pointed towards the big wolf next to her.

Bree's eyes grew wilder as she saw saw the huge wolf.

"It's okay he won't hurt you." Seraphina promised her as she walked closer to the girl and grabbed her hand softly "You're staying with us from now on. Okay. Everything it's going to be okay."

Bree locked her eyes with the Nymph and for some reason she believed her.

"How long?" Edward's voice made the two girls and the wolf looked away from each other and focused in on the conversation that was happening beside the fire.

"A few minutes. Maybe ten?" Alice answered as she locked her eyes with her daughter, who's eyes instantly turned hard.

Seraphina put her hand Bree's shoulder and guided her in the direction of the rest, while Paul went towards the pack.

Carlisle looked back at the pack before speaking "The pack needs to leave."

"The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Edward agreed with him.

The sound of a wolf's growl made Seraphina look away from her mother and back to see Leah jumping at a newborn which must have hidden during the fight.

The group could already hear and see that she was no match for the vampire.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now