Chapter 21: The bitch is back

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The Cullen family stood in a tight circle, everyone facing different directions in case Victoria showed up

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The Cullen family stood in a tight circle, everyone facing different directions in case Victoria showed up.

They sat there patiently waiting for Alice's word.

Seraphina stood next to her father as she heighten her hearing as she listened the woods for the slightest noice.

"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle softly spoke, aiming the question towards his daughter.

"She's almost here." Alice answered, staring ahead at nothing while the vision of the redheaded vampire played in her head.

Seraphina stood silent, until the sound of a stick snapping caught her attention, she didn't hesitate to charge in the direction it came from.

Alice's vision also alerted her "On your left!" she cried.

The Cullen's took off in the direction Seraphina had went.

Their blurs traveled the woods at a speed no human would be able to see.

Seraphina slowed her pace when Emmett's body caught up to hers, allowing the burly vampire to take the first hit that she knew was coming.

And it did, she watched as Emmett reached his arm forward, growling at the vampire he was chasing.

His hand gripped her shoulder before she ducked, tossing his body over her head and making him collide with a tree.

Seraphina snarled, running past the fallen Emmett and catching back up to Victoria.

She ducked under the branch ahead and slid down the small hill, pants ripping at her knees when she came in contact with a rock but it did nothing to slow her down.

She watched as Victoria made her way closer to the border, smirking at the Nymph, before jumping onto the wolves territory.

But what Victoria didn't expect was for the Nymph to follow her.

Victoria landed on the wolf territory and turned around, but her eyes widen as Seraphina jumped right at her.

The two of them faced each other and glared at one another.

Before Seraphina made the first hit.

She trew a punch against her, and Victoria quickly ducked grabbing the girl's arm and threw her into a tree.

Seraphina groaned, but she quickly stood up again and went after the red headed bitch.

The two of them trew punch after punch, until Seraphina had the upper hand on her and grabbed her by the throat.

"I'm going to kill you, just like I killed James bitch!" She snarled at her.

Victoria snarled at the Nymph and lifted her leg kicking the girl in the stomach, sending her over the Cullens territory.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now