Chapter 9: Imprinted

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The pack had just finished patrol, when they arrived at the pack house

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The pack had just finished patrol, when they arrived at the pack house.

The three of them were very pissed off, especially Paul.

There has been a vampire in the town and every time she would manage to run off and that was pissing them off.

When they walked inside the house the smell of food instantly hit their noses and their mouths watered.

Paul and Jared instantly went for the food, while Sam went to Emily and gave her a kiss.

"Hey." He whispered as he gave her a kiss.

"Hey." Emily greeted him, before the two of them walked towards the table as they sat down ready to eat.

"Is Ina back from her movie with Bella?" Sam asked his fiancee.

"Yeah, she came back maybe an hour ago." Emily answered him.

"I'll go get her." Paul told them, before he left the dinning room, and walked upstairs towards his imprint room.

He still hadn't figure out how to say to her that he imprinted on her, what if she didn't accept him as her imprint, it would kill him.

Before he met her he was a womanizer, a man whore and let's not to mention his anger.

He was fighting all the time with anybody.

He knew about all the rumors about him around La Push and Forks, no doubt that Seraphina heard about them too, or her family.

When he reached her door, he lifted his hand and knocked a few times.

"Hey Ina. The dinner it's ready." He called out, but there was no response, he knocked again and called for her name "Ina? Ina?"

He concentrated his hearing more, but what frightened him was that he didn't heard any heartbeat.

He quickly opened the door "Seraphina?!" He called out again, as he looked around the room that was empty, but her window was opened.

His eyes grew wide, as he realized what might had happened "Oh shit."

He quickly ran out of the room and ran downstairs.

"Sam!" He yelled as he reached downstairs, and everyone turned towards the wide eyed boy.

Sam instantly stood up, once he saw his scared expresion "What is it?" He asked him.

"She's gone! She's not upstairs!" Paul told him completely freaked out.

"What?!" Sam asked him with wide eyes.

"She's gone Sam! Again!" Paul yelled at him in anger and fear.

"Shit!" Sam walked towards his phone and quickly called a number.

"Chief Swan hi it's Sam Uley. It's Bella there?... I need to talk to her... Bella hi it's Sam Uley it's Seraphina with you..."

Everyone watched as Sam closed his eyes, as he listened to what she was saying.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now