Chapter 18: Jacob what have you done?!

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The inside of the Cullen house had been restored to its original warmth and beauty it was like they had never even left in the first place

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The inside of the Cullen house had been restored to its original warmth and beauty it was like they had never even left in the first place.

Seraphina Cullen stood in between her parents staring at the nervous human.

The brunette girl rubbed her pants before speaking.

"You all know what I want. And I know I'm asking a lot of you." Bella was asking a lot of them, "The only way I can think of it to be fair is to put it up to a vote."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Edward spoke up from behind her.

"Shut up," Bella whispered to him, before she turned towards the family "Alice?"

Alice began walking towards her.

"You know I already consider you my sister." the two hugged "Yes."

Bella stepped off the stairs "Thank you."

"I vote yes," Jasper sided with Alice "It would be really nice not to want to kill you all of the time."

Seraphina giggled a bit at her father and shook her head.

"I'm sorry," Rosalie told her softly "I am sorry to the both of you for how I acted before, and I'm grateful that you were brave enough to save my brother."

They all knew where this was going.

"But this is not the life I would have picked for myself. I wish there would have been someone to vote no for me. So, no."

Nobody was surprised by her vote, but it seemed to hurt Bella.

"I vote hell yeah," Emmett smirked.

He picked up Bella and spun her in a circle.

"And then we can pick a fight with these Volturi another way."

"Well," Esme grinned "I do already consider you as part of this family. My vote is yes"

Carlisle stepped closer, but Edward spoke first "Why are you doing this to me?"

They stared at each other.

"You do know what this means?"

"You have chosen to die without her. You leave me no choice. I won't lose my son."

Seraphina knew Edward did not want this for Bella, not entirely.

But Carlisle was right.

He wanted to die without her.

Bella is a grown-up, and if she wanted this, it was fair to ask.

She loved Edward and wanted to be with him.

"I vote yes." Carlisle told the human girl.

Bella then turned towards the Nymph "Ina?" She asked her nervously.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now