Chapter 23: Protection detail and stories

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The Cullen clan had been gathered together in the living room at the Cullen's house

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The Cullen clan had been gathered together in the living room at the Cullen's house.

The only once that weren't there were Jasper and Emmett, they had just entered the house after tracking the scent from Bella's house.

After the fight with Jacob, Bella had returned back Sam's and asked Seraphina to gave her a ride home, and if she could stay tonight for a sleepover.

Seraphina agreed and said her goodbye with her mate and the pack, before she drove Bella back home.

When they arrived while Bella was talking with Charlie, Seraphina felt this dark energy inside the house.

She followed the energy until she reached Bella's room, where the energy was darker and there was this strange scent inside her room, that she didn't recognize.

In that moment her uncle walked into the room and shared a look with her niece, thinking the same thing she was.

Someone was in the house.

"Who was it? Someone we know?" Carlisle's voice rang, aiming the question towards Edward and Seraphina.

"This stranger, I didn't recognize his scent." Edward admitted, head shaking in frustration.

"I didn't recognized him too. His aura... it was... dark and also I didn't recognized his scent." Seraphina explained to them.

"A nomad passing through?" Esme guessed, worried about her son's mate.

Seeing how she was the intended target.

Rosalie didn't even glance up when she spoke, shutting down Esme's assumption.

"A passer by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive."

Just then Emmett and Jasper walked into the room, and Jasper instantly walked towards his daughter.

"The scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house..." Jasper trailed off slightly as he looked towards his daughter. "The scent went to the wolves territory."

Seraphina immediately looked at her father with wide eyes "What?"

He nodded his head.

Seraphina instantly took her phone out and dialed her mate "Come on. Come on." She mumbled.

"Hello." Paul answered.

"Paul!" She yelped and her whole family looked at the Nymph "Oh thank god, listen--"

"Ina I was just about to call you. Listen someone has been in Sam's house." he quickly interrupted her.

Seraphina's eyes grew wide as she looked towards her family.

"What? Is Emily..." She trailed off.

"She's fine. She's fine. Listen babe the person went straight to your old room." He told her.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now